How To Unofficially Cloud Spawn

From Resonite Wiki
Cloud Spawning is part of the Things to Avoid list. It may break in the future without warning.

This tutorial will serve as a quick guide to unofficially cloud spawn items from a user's Inventory, and is also designed to get you started immediately, in a step by step process.

What You Need


This is surprisingly simple to setup, here is how you would do it.

Item Setup

The get item link buttons.
The get item link buttons (with the cheese button being active).
  1. Open the Inventory tab on the Dash.
  2. Navigate to the item you want to cloud spawn.
  3. Use the Get Item Link mod to get the resdb link (the cheese button).

Slot Setup

An inspector showing the components needed to make cloud spawning work.
An inspector showing the components needed to make cloud spawning work.
  1. Create an empty slot using the Dev Tool.
  2. Attach the StaticBinary component.
    1. For the URL, place your item's resdb link here.
  3. Attach the FileMetadata component.
    1. For the Filename, you can use any name here, but it must have the .brson, .7zbson, or .lz4bson file extension at the end of the name. (Filling in MIME is not required.)
  4. Open the FileMetadata Sync Methods using the Show Delegates mod, and with the ProtoFlux Tool, grab and hold the OnImportFile method. Then open the context menu while still holding it, select Proxy.

ProtoFlux Setup

An example of how to use ProtoFlux to cloud spawn.
An example of how to use ProtoFlux to cloud spawn.
  1. With the method proxy, connect it to anything that can send a pulse to it (the example shows a Call node doing this).