ProtoFlux:Get Texture3D Pixel

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Get Texture 3D Pixel

The Get Texture 3D Pixel node allows one to sample the pixel color of an ITexture3D that has Readable enabled. Since the StaticTexture3D component needs to have Readable enabled, most players opt to keep a component on the object that their code is on, and then change it's URL so they can read the image's pixels.

This node also takes a raw IAsset<Texture3D> instead of an asset provider. To extract the raw texture reference from the provider for use in this node, see the Get Asset node.


Texture (IAsset<Texture3D>)

The raw asset of an IAssetProvider<Texture3D> extracted using a Get Asset Node.

Position (Int3)

The Position to sample the colorX from.

MipLevel (Int)

The MipMap level of the provided image to sample from. Highest quality by default.


* (colorX)

The ColorX color from the provided Texture (IAsset<Texture3D>) at the provided Position (Int3) with the provided quality MipLevel (Int).
