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Component image 
Static Texture 3D component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Static Texture 3D is a component that represents a bunch of textures stacked on top of each other to make a 3D grid of pixel values. These textures can be displayed in 3D, or sampled via 3D positions in a few different components or in ProtoFlux Nodes.

This is commonly constructed via 2D slices which are Static Texture 2Ds. These slices represent XY planes of incremental Z coordinates ranging from 0 to 1. This can either be packed into a single 2D image, or imported as multiple 2D images in a folder where each slice is alphabetically organized.

Currently the maximum packed 2D image that the importer detects as a valid 3D texture is 1024x32. In this orientation there are 32 total cells arranged as 32x32 pixel sub images.

Linear 3D Texture
Linear 3D Texture
  • The X or Red channel increases constantly from 0 to 1 from left to right within each cell and repeats.
Linear 3D Texture Red Channel
Linear 3D Texture Red channel
  • The Y or Green channel linearly increases from the top to bottom.
Linear 3D Texture Green Channel
Linear 3D Texture Green channel
  • The Z or Blue channel increases step wise within each cell itself, the first cell being all 0, and the last cell is all 1.
Linear 3D Texture Blue Channel
Linear 3D Texture Blue channel


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
URL Uri The address of the texture asset
FilterMode Nullable`1<TextureFilterMode> How to handle the interpolation between pixels.
AnisotropicLevel Nullable`1<Int> The levels of Anisotropic filtering distances when using Anisotropic for FilterMode
Uncompressed Bool Whether to not compress the texture's size before loading into ram/vram. doesn't affect cloud size.
DirectLoad Bool Whether to not cache the texture in the local cache for Resonite
ForceExactVariant Bool Whether to not generate variants for this texture and force a certain texture type
PreferredFormat Nullable`1<TextureCompression> The format to use for texture compression rather than the auto picked one
PreferredProfile Nullable`1<ColorProfile> The color profile to use rather than the auto picked one. (usually linear)
MipMapBias Float Whether to see lower resolution versions of the texture closer up or not (MipMaps).
WrapModeU TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the X axis. this goes into affect when X values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
WrapModeV TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the Y axis. this goes into affect when Y values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
WrapModeW TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the Z axis. this goes into affect when Z values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
Readable Bool Whether or not the texture can be sampled via texture sampling ProtoFlux nodes

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
InvertRGB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertR:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertG:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
InvertA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
ColorToAlpha:Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> X
AlphaFromIntensity:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
AlphaToMask:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
RemoveAlpha:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
GrayscaleAverage:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
GrayscaleLuminance:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapRG:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapRB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapRA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapGB:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapGA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
SwapBA:Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> Func`1<Task`1<Bool>> X
AddBackground:Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<ColorX, Task`1<Bool>> X
AdjustGamma:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
AdjustAlphaGamma:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
ShiftHue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
SetHue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
SetSaturation:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
OffsetSaturation:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
MulSaturation:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
SetValue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
MulValue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
OffsetValue:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
OffsetAlpha:Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> Func`2<Float, Task`1<Bool>> X
Normalize:Func`4<Bool, Bool, Bool, Task`1<Bool>> Func`4<Bool, Bool, Bool, Task`1<Bool>> X


Is generated automatically when importing a folder of images that are slices of a cube stacked vertically. Insert into a Component:VolumeUnlitMaterial to view the colors or a Component:LUT Material to view it's affect as a filter.


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See Also