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Component image 
Touch Button component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The TouchButton component is used to make a physical button with no press depth that is instantly pressable upon click or touch. For a button with press depth, please see PhysicalButton.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
IsPressed Bool Whether the button is pressed or not
IsHovering Bool Whether the button is being pointed at with the laser in the case of a touch button
AcceptPhysicalTouch Bool Whether to allow Component:TipTouchSources to interact with/activate this component.
AcceptRemoteTouch Bool Whether this component allows interaction via the user's interaction laser.
AcceptOutOfSightTouch Bool Whether or not to allow interaction with this component if it is out of the user's view.
EditModeOnly Bool Whether this button will only work if the user is in Edit Mode
ActiveUserFilter ActiveUserHandling How to handle user interaction depending on active user.
Pressed delegate of identity ButtonEventHandler The Sync Delegate to call when the button is pressed.
Pressing delegate of identity ButtonEventHandler The Sync Delegate to call when the button is being pressed every game tick.
Released delegate of identity ButtonEventHandler The Sync Delegate to call when the button is released.
BeginPressVibration VibratePreset What vibration to send when this button is starting to be pressed.
PressVibration VibratePreset What vibration to send when this button is pressed.
HoverVibration VibratePreset What vibration to send when this button is hovered over via laser.
Label IField`1<String> The field that represents this button's label.


Used in boopers and buttons where PhysicalButton is a bad choice because the button press needs to have no press depth. In the case where the user does want press depth, use PhysicalButton.


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See Also

  • IButton For a list of button types.