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The ValueUserOverride Component allows storing "override" values for each user listed under _overrides and driving the Target field with them.

Component image 
ValueUserOverride component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Default T The default value given to Target if no suitable override exists in _overrides.
CreateOverrideOnWrite Bool Creates an entry in _overrides when Target is written back.
PersistentOverrides Bool Values in _overrides are stored with the object when it is saved.
_overrides unordered list of Override<T> A list of Overrides and the corresponding users they apply to.
Target field drive of T Target field of the specified type, that gets driven to the override value.


Name Type Description
User UserRef The User that should see Value's content inside of Target locally instead of Default's content
Value T The value that User should see target driven to locally.



The _overrides bag contains a list of users and their associated values - whenever the local user matches a user entry in the bag, the associated value is driven to Target. Otherwise, Target is driven to the value in Default.

CreateOverrideOnWrite allows for new users and values to be added to the bag when the driven value in Target is directly or indirectly changed by that user. If it is not enabled, the value in Target is not changeable unless the override is added or changed manually from the inspector panel.

Attempting to write to or otherwise cause a discrete entry to a driven field is known as Hooking it. Any Hook to the Target value is intercepted by the ValueUserOverride Component and will change the modifying user's entry in the _overrides bag. If there is no entry for the user and if CreateOverrideOnWrite is enabled, it will create an entry using the set value.


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