By default Filter is set to Bilinear Filtering, however Anisotropic Filtering results in a much better appearance at very steep angles, and only has a very minor performance impact. If visual fidelity of your texture is a concern, you should set Filter to Anisotropic, and AnisotropicLevel to 4 or 8.
Special Functions
Any of the operations listed below will generate a new static texture asset, and anything referring to this StaticTexture2D component will be updated with the new texture. The existing asset is deleted from the servers if no other items refer to it.
Custom UI Elements
Invert RGB
Inverts the colors of the texture
Invert R
Same as above, but only effects the red channel of the texture
Invert G
Same as above, but only effects the green channel of the texture
Invert B
Same as above, but only effects the blue channel of the texture
Invert A
Same as above, but only effects the alpha channel of the texture
Color to Alpha (White)
Converts all pure white colors in the image to alpha
Color to Alpha (Black)
Converts all pure black colors in the image to alpha
Alpha from intensity
Alpha to mask
Creates a black and white mask texture from an alpha image
Remove Alpha
Forces the entire image to full opacity on the alpha channel
Convert to grayscale (average)
Converts the image to grayscale based on the average of the red, green and blue channel.
Swap R and G
Swaps the red and green channels on the image
Swap R and B
Swaps the red and blue channels on the image
Swap G and B
Swaps the green and blue channels on the image
Shift Hue
Adjusts the hue of the image by the increment specified in the Input box
Adjust Gamma
Adjusts the gamma the image by the increment specified in the Input box
Resizes the image such that the longest size of the image is equal to the size specified in the input box.
Flip Horizontal
Flips the image horizontally
Flip Vertical
Flips the image vertical
Rotate 90° CW
Rotates the image by 90° clockwise
Rotate 90° CCW
Rotates the image by 90° counterclockwise
Rotate 180°
Rotates the image by 180°
Make square
Stretches the image such that both sides are equal to the longest side
To nearest power of two
Stretches the image on each axis individually, to the next largest power of two.
Diagnostic: Invalid floats
Highlights any pixels that are out of range
Diagnostic: Generate Bitmap Metadata
Spawns a Texture Metadata window displaying the asset's texture metadata as a string