Questions générales
Quelles plateformes et matériel Resonite supporte?
Resonite est disponible sous Windows et Linux. Il supporte tous les casques VR majeurs, incluant SteamVR/OpenVR, Oculus et Windows Mixed Reality (avec SteamVR).
Resonite support aussi un large rayon de périphériques. Resonite support autant de traqueurs que SteamVR supporte (jusqu'à 64), 8 pour le full-body (pieds, genoux, hanches, torse et coudes) avec des traqueurs additionnels qui peuvent être utilisés pour des objets.
Resonite supporte aussi le Leap Motion pour traquer les doigts, les modules pour traquer les yeux du Vive Pro Eye, le traqueur de visage de HTC et les manettes telle que Etee.
Si vous êtes un développeur de matériel et voulez envoyer un devkit pour qu'il soit intégré dans Resonite, veuillez créer une requête de fonctionnalité ou utilisez le formulaire de contact sur notre site web avec votre requête.
Quels sont les pré-requis matériels de Resonite?
Resonite demande un processeur ayant au moins quatre coeur, Haswell i5-4590 pour Intel, Piledriver FX 8350 pour AMD ou plus récent. Resonite va bénéficier d'une meilleure performance avec un processeur ayant une bonne performance sur un seul coeur. Au moins 8Go de mémoire vive même si avoir 16Go ou 32Go bénéficie plus Resonite.
Il est recommandé d'avoir une carte graphique capable pour la VR de Nvidia (au moins GTX 1060) ou AMD (au moins RX 570). Des cartes graphiques plus performantes ont un bénéfice net en augmentant les images par seconde (FPS) mais aussi capables de gérer de meilleures résolutions.
Est-ce que je peut mettre Resonite dans une fenêtre?
Oui! A n'importe quel moment, vous pouvez faire les touches Alt + Entrée dans la fenêtre du jeu afin de basculer entre le mode plein écran et le mode fenêtré. Vous pouvez aussi spécifier des arguments de lancement pour changer le mode fenêtré et sa résolution.
Par exemple: -screen-fullscreen 0 -screen-width 1280 -screen-height 720
va lancer Resonite dans une fenêtre de 1280x720.
Est-ce que je peut jouer a Resonite sans casque VR?
Oui! Sans équipement VR, il va être lancé par défaut en "Desktop Mode". En jeu, ce mode peut être basculé a n'importe quel moment grâce a la touche F8.
Le mode écran est sous développement constant et des fonctionnalités sont toujours en cours de développement.
Est-ce que je peut jouer avec une manette?
Resonite offre quelques fonctionnalités de base pour les manettes de jeu. Par exemple, bouger, tourner, sauter et utiliser le menu contextuel. Plus de support sera ajouté dans le futur.
Est-ce que Resonite est Open-Source?
Resonite n'est pas Open-Source et est développé par une petite équipe et il est incertain des implications qu'aurais l'Open-Source.
Voir notre politique sur les mods et plug-ins.
Est-ce que Resonite utilise Unity?
La plupart de Resonite tourne sur Frooxengine, un moteur de jeu créé sur plusieurs années depuis environ 2015, avec autours de 5000 lignes de code, sans aucune dépendance externe.
Unity est utilisé comme moteur de rendu, l'environment d’exécution (Mono/.NET), et pour interfacer avec le système audio.
Quelles sont les règles de Resonite?
Soyez sympa avec les autres. Plus de détails peuvent être trouvés sur la page des lignes directrices.
Si un utilisateur viole une des lignes directrices, nous recommandons de le reporter via le site de la modération.
Quand il est possible, il est préférable que les utilisateurs résolvent leur conflits entre eux en utilisant les outils de modération et de permissions disponibles en jeu. Vous pouvez en lire plus sur le sujet sur la page modération.
Comment me protéger d'utilisateurs malveillants?
Resonite offre un système de permissions versatile qui permet aux utilisateurs de controller comment leurs sessions sont gérées. Les mondes dans Resonite sont crées avec un ensemble de permissions par le créateur du monde.
Les utilisateurs qui hébergent des sessions depuis ces mondes peuvent assigner un niveau de permission pour chaque utilisateur dans la session.
Comme identifier les membres de l'équipe de Resonite et les modérateurs?
- Les membres de l'équipe de Resonite peuvent être identifiés par un nom jaune ou arc-en-ciel et un badge représentant le logo de Resonite au dessus de leur nom
- Les modérateurs peuvent être identifiés par un nom bleu et un badge représentant un bouclier bleu
- Les mentors peuvent être identifiés par un nom vert et avec un badge représentant une ampoule verte
Vous pouvez vérifier ces badges depuis le menu de la session, ils seront affichés sur le coté droit de leur noms.
Questions du débutant
Est-ce qu'il existe des tutoriels sur comment utiliser Resonite?
Le wiki de Resonite a une bonne game de tutoriels qui seront étendus au cours du temps.
Nos utilisateurs sont connus pour être accueillants et heureux de s'entraider dans Resonite ou sur le Discord.
Quels sont les contrôles basiques dans Resonite?
La navigation et les mouvements sont assignés sur le joystick, les actions primaires sur le trigger, les actions secondaires sur le clic joystick/touchpad, attraper/bouger des objets dans un monde est réalisé avec le bouton grip.
Le menu contextuel est utilisé pour accéder a des actions contextuelles et autres contrôles comme annuler/refaire et les modes de locomotion (ceux-cis seront bougés dans une future mise à jour de l'interface). Plus de contrôles sont disponibles en Desktop Mode et peuvent être trouvés sur la page contrôles basiques.
Ou trouver un avatar?
Dans l'inventaire, il y a un dossier "Avatars" dans le dossier "Resonite Essentials" qui contiens une variété d'avatars gratuit a utiliser et modifier. Des avatars additionnels peuvent être trouvés dans des dossier partagés ou dans des mondes.
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser le créateur d'avatars pour transformer n'importe quel objet en avatar, incluant ceux ayant un rig que vous pouvez importer.
Comment équiper un avatar?
Vous pouvez équiper rapidement les avatars présent dans votre inventaire en les sélectionnant et en pressant le bouton "équiper".
Ou est-ce que je peut trouver des autres utilisateurs?
La liste des sessions actives est listée au sommet de l'onglet "monde" dans le tableau de bord. Vous pouvez ensuite filtrer les sessions avec seulement des utilisateurs actifs ou vos contacts.
Est-ce que je peut explorer d'autres mondes?
Il y a un large éventail de mondes à explorer. Ils peuvent être trouvés dans l'onglet "mondes" du tableau de bord. Vous pouvez même chercher des mots-clés au sommet de la page.
La catégorie "en vedette" montre des mondes crées par la communauté et que l'équipe de Resonite décide de mettre en avant.
Comment inviter des amis dans my session?
Depuis l'onglet "contacts" du tableau de bord, sélectionnez l'ami que vous souhaitez inviter et pressez le bouton "inviter" au sommet de l'écran.
Comment ajuster la visibilité de ma sessions/comment héberger une session privée?
Dans une session active, vous pouvez changer cette option depuis le tableau de bord. Ouvrez l'onglet "session" et voyez les différentes options de confidentialité.
Quand votre status est sur "invisible", toutes les sessions crées vont être privées par défaut.
Toutes les sessions dans Resonite restent actives et ouvertes jusqu’à ce qu'elles soient fermées or que vous soyez éjecté (par exemple en étant AFK). Pour naviguer et gérer vos sessions ouvertes, vous pouvez utiliser l'onglet "monde" de votre tableau de bord. Vos sessions actives seront listées en premier avec une bordure jaune. Vous pouvez changer de sessions rapidement en pressant le bouton "focus" en cliquant sur l'un de ces mondes.
Pour fermer une session active, utilisez le bouton "X" au sommet de celui-ci et pressez "fermer le monde".
Comment couper le son de mon microphone?
Sur votre tableau de bord, vous pouvez trouver des options pour controller le son de votre voix dans le coté gauche, au sommet de la fenêtre.
Le bouton rouge coupe directement votre microphone. Le violet vous met en mode chuchotement, les autres joueurs devront être dans votre bulle pour vous entendre. Le vert est le mode par défaut. Le jaune est pour crier, pour être entendu de plus loin. Le bleu diffuse votre voix a tous les joueurs, comme dans un appel audio.
Pour rétablir votre microphone, vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton rouge une seconde fois.
Je suis coincé/j'ai fait une erreur
Si vous êtes coincé dans une partie du monde, si disponible, vous pouvez utiliser le moyen de locomotion "noclip" pour vous échapper. Pour cela, ouvrez votre menu contextuel, allez dans "moyens de locomotion" et sélectionnez "noclip".
Dans ce même menu, vous pouvez annuler des actions que vous avez faites, comme bouger un objet.
Il existe aussi une commande pour réapparaître en urgence. Pour cela, tenez vos deux manettes vers votre visage, utilisez le grip sur l'une d'entre elles et cliquez sur le bouton ouvrant le menu contextuel sur les deux jusqu’à ce que les manettes vibrent. Pour vous déconnecter en urgence, tenez les manettes près de votre visage et tenez appuyé le bouton pour ouvrir le menu contextuel sur les deux manettes.
Comment ajouter quelqu'un comme contact?
Pour ajouter quelqu'un come un contact, vous pouvez cliquer sur son nom et cliquer le bouton "ajouter contact". Vous pouvez aussi chercher le nom de la personne dans l'onglet "contacts" du tableau de bord.
Est-ce que les autres peuvent voir mes interfaces?
Other users are unable to see your UI by default, however some UI elements such as the context menus, and your interaction lasers can be publicly visible from within the session.
How do I save objects to my inventory?
To save objects to your inventory, grab the object you wish to save, and press the green plus button. You can only save into a folder that you’ve created, and not public folders such as the Resonite Essentials.
Note: Some worlds and objects are set-up with permissions that prevent saving them to your inventory.
How can I organize my inventory?
You can create a new folder to save objects into by pressing the green plus button, and naming the folder.
It is not presently possible to rearrange existing inventory locations, so to do so, you will need to spawn the object out, and save it into the new folder, then delete the original with the red trash can icon. This process will be streamlined in a future UI update.
Public folders are denoted by their orange coloration. They are created by users, and their contents are publicly listed.
A list of public folders is available. It contains links. These links can be pasted into Resonite to generate a public folder object, then saved to the inventory.
To create a public folder, you can highlight a folder in your inventory, and press the beige envelope icon to create a public folder object which can be used to save the folder into the inventory of other users. To copy a public folders link, you can grip it open the context menu, and press the copy link button.
Public folders are not intended for use in sharing sensitive data as the objects contained within are publicly viewable. To unpublish a folder, you can press the purple hand icon.
To share privately with a contact, you can let them save a copy of the object as you spawn it out, or send it to them through the messaging system by gripping the object, and pressing the green plus button at the bottom right of the Contacts UI.
Avatars and Assets
How can I import my assets?
Assets can be brought into Resonite by either dragging, and dropping them from your PC’s file browser onto the Resonite window, copying and pasting the asset or a link to the asset into Resonite window or through the Paste Content From Clipboard button found in the session menu.
You can also navigate your filesystem from the File Browser found in your Dash Menu.
For many assets an Importer UI will appear with options to set up the detected asset as an object for use in Resonite.
What kinds of assets does Resonite support?
Models, textures, sounds, fonts, LUTs, and more- Resonite is capable of importing a wide range of assets in a wide range of commonly accepted formats.
How do I make an avatar?
Avatars are created through the Avatar Creator found in the Home section of your Dash Menu. Any object can be turned into an avatar including rigged models you’ve imported.
Importing An Avatar:
Once you’ve opened the asset in Resonite, a Model Importer UI will appear. For avatars you will want to select 3D Model > Regular > Auto Humanoid Height. You can either press Import Now!, or Advanced Settings if you wish to modify the setup, e.g. changing which materials the model is setup with.
Using the Avatar Creator:
To use the Avatar Creator, open it from the Home section of your Dash Menu. You will see spheres containing a HMD, and hands. Align those with your avatar’s. You can optionally set up the hips, and feet if you wish to make your model compatible with full-body tracking. This can also be set up later through the Full Body Calibrator tool.
You can also select the Protect Avatar option to prevent other users from equipping or saving a copy of your avatar.
My avatar has no textures.
Sometimes an avatar may import without their textures. This is something that can be resolved from within Resonite using the Material Tool, and DevTool. Extract the materials from your avatar, and assign the textures you’ve imported by dragging them into their appropriate fields from within the Material Inspector.
What are the rig requirements?
Resonite requires a general bone naming convention, and hierarchy to be set-up automatically as an avatar. Avatar rigs set-up for other platforms should generally be compatible with Resonite.
A full list of the humanoid rig requirements can be found on Humanoid rig requirements for IK.
Can I import my .unitypackage
Not directly, no. .unitypackage
is a compressed file format specific to use in Unity. However, if your model exists in a raw form such as a .fbx file within the project folder in Unity, you can use that to import, instead.
What about my custom shaders?
Custom shaders are not supported at this time, as there is no way to compile JIT shaders at runtime. The shaders need to be compiled into Resonite itself.
However- a wide variety of visual effects can be achieved through the use of ProtoFlux, and components from within Resonite itself!
Does Resonite support dynamic bones for flowing hair, tails, etc.?
Yes! To do so, open up your avatar with the DevTool, navigate to the bone you wish to start the chain from, and attach the DynamicBoneChain component. Once it’s attached, browse to the bottom of the component, and select the Setup From Children button.
Once the bone chain has been added, you can modify a wide variety of properties such as the elasticity, gravity, and whether or not the bone chain is grabbable via the IsGrabbable checkbox. Dynamic bones can even be brushed around by your hands.
How can I set my default avatar?
After you have clicked to select an avatar from your inventory, press the purple heart icon to set an avatar as your favorite. An avatar can be unset as your favorite by pressing the button again, or choosing another avatar as your favorite.
How can I change my home world?
Like setting your default avatar, you can set a favorite world from a world orb in your inventory. Select the world orb in your inventory, and press the Set Home button to favorite it.
You can only use worlds that you have created, or saved a copy of using Save > Save Copy or Save > Save As from the Save menu in the Session section of your Dash Menu.
How do I adjust the length of my arms/the fit of my avatar?
From a DevTool, inspect the root of your avatar, and look through the VRIK component settings. You will find a value called ArmLengthMlp under each of the leftArm and rightArm. Adjusting these values slightly will give your arms a little more reach if they’re too short, or make your arms bend less if they’re too long.
Additionally, on the VRIKAvatar component is the HeightCompensation
property. This will scale your entire avatar down, or up to better match your body. This setting is also more easily accessible through the Full Body Calibrator tool.
How do I set up full-body tracking?
Use the Full Body Calibrator found in the Home section of your Dash Menu. If this is the first time doing so, ensure your height is set correctly to your real height, confirm your trackers are recognized, then press the Start Tracker Calibration and align yourself as closely as you can in your playspace to the outline avatar.
Once you’ve calibrated your trackers, you can proceed to the avatar calibration. You should only need to calibrate your trackers once so long as they remain in the same position, and orientation on your body.
My avatar is moving strangely with FBT.
Some avatars can be oddly proportioned for full-body tracking. Like when an avatar is initially set up in the Avatar Creator, on the Full Body Calibrator, you will find options to help you fit your avatar to your body. The height compensation slider will grow or shrink your avatar’s size to better fit your own- a value around 0.92-0.95 is a good starting point.
If your chest and neck are moving strangely, you may wish to lower the target of your avatars hips by gripping them, and pulling them down, paying attention to the blue avatar rig visual.
If your avatar sinks into the floor when ducking, try raising the foot targets up to around their shins, or until you notice the legs begin to move upward on your avatar.
Most avatars can work quite well in full-body with some tweaking.
Does Resonite have an SDK?
Resonite does not have an SDK, you will need to import and set things up from within Resonite itself.
Resonite Features
What is ProtoFlux?
ProtoFlux is the node-based visual scripting language of Resonite. It forms the basis of many of the gadgets, toys, and game mechanics you will find within the various worlds our community have created.
It is a powerful tool for managing, and manipulating data within a world, opening vast potential to your creations.
Can I stream Resonite?
So long as the content is within our Guidelines, and the terms of use of the platform you stream to, you are welcome to share your time in the metaverse with others. Please utilize the Mirror To Display option found within the Camera / Streaming tool in the Home section of the Dash Menu. While Mirror To Display is enabled, a LIVE badge will appear over you head to notify other users that you are recording.
The Camera Control panel also offers a variety of options to manipulate the camera.
OBS and Twitch Integration:
Within the camera control panel, you will find buttons bearing the OBS and Twitch logos.
The OBS websocket allows you to remotely launch, and begin recording or streaming from OBS:
Your Twitch chat can be viewed from within Resonite by typing your channel name into the text entry field at the top of the Twitch Chat UI. You can pin the Twitch chat to you by pressing the yellow pin button, you can also make a publicly visible Twitch Chat UI by pressing the blue half-circle icon.
What are Tools?
Tools in Resonite are used in a variety of world, asset, and object creation workflows. They are what drives your ability to create from within Resonite. From simple brushes to draw, and paint, to complex and versatile tools such as the DevTool for general world manipulation, Material Tool for texturing, and ProtoFlux Tool for programming.
There are also other useful tools such as the Grabbable Setter Tool to change whether or not you can grab and move an object, and the Character Collider Setter Tool, which can make your environments collidable so you can walk on them.
These tools, and many more can all be found in the Essential Tools folder of your inventory.
Locomotion Modules:
Locomotion modules determine the types of locomotion that are available in a world. While a default set of locomotion modules exist in all of the template maps that many worlds are created from, a world creator may choose to modify, or remove certain locomotion modes from their world.
Details such as your speed, jump height, and whether or not you can climb on surfaces may change from world to world because of changes implemented by a world’s creator.
Account and Supporter Perks
How do I get more cloud storage space?
Additional cloud storage space is a perk awarded to our Patrons on Patreon. $1 per month will grant access to 5 GB of additional cloud storage, with additional storage space, and perks available at each successive tier.
Can I store things locally on my hard drive?
You can save worlds, and their contents into your Local Home, which will save the assets locally on your computer. These files are not stored on the cloud, or backed up, so if you store anything here, please regularly backup your local database at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Yellow Dog Man Studios\Resonite
I am a Patreon supporter, how do I link my account in Resonite?
If your Resonite account email is the same as your Patreon email, linking should occur automatically within a six hour period. If it has not, or your Resonite email address differs from your Patreon, you can send either of these two commands to the Resonite bot in-game:
/setPrimaryEmail <new email>
/setAlternateEmail <alternate email>
Why can I see my Patreon status in-game, but not in the Discord server?
Verify that you have linked your Discord account on Patreon:
When does Patreon charge, and when will I get my perks?
Our Patreon is set up to charge users immediately on the day you subscribe. All perks should be assigned right away within a six hour period.
I need to pause my pledge/my pledge failed to process. What will happen to my storage?
It’s understandable that life can get in the way sometimes. Your support as a Patron is always greatly appreciated. In the event that you are over your storage limit when this happens, you will be unable to save any additional content to your cloud.
If this adversely affects you, file a support ticket, and they may be able to help by temporarily raising your storage limit until you can resume your pledge.
How can I change my display name in Resonite?
To change your display name in Resonite you may send the following command to the Resonite bot in-game. You must wait 7 days before you can use this command again; this delay is subject to change in the future.
/changeUsername <old username> <new username>
How do I turn on two-factor authentication?
You can enable 2FA on your dash from the tools facet, which has a "Setup 2FA" option. To set it up you'll need a TOTP authenticator app, like Authy or Google Authenticator.
Once 2FA is setup, you can enable 2FA requirement for login by sending the /enableLogin2FA command to the Resonite Bot account.
Using "Remember Me" will not require a 2FA code every time you start Resonite. If you want even more increased security, do not check this option and manually log in every time. However this shouldn't pose a significant risk, as the "remember me" token is invalidated every time you log in.
You can disable 2FA requirement for login by sending the /disableLogin2FA command.
Take care to protect your secret code and recovery codes. If you lose them, you'll PERMANENTLY lose access to your account!
Headless clients support 2FA login as well. Note that with Headless you cannot use auto-login in the configuration file with 2FA; only the dynamic "login" command will work.
Can I delete my account
Yes, please see this article.
What do I do if Resonite crashes/I encounter a bug?
In the event that Resonite crashes, or you encounter a bug, collect your logs and file a GitHub issue on our issue tracker here.
Where can I find the log files?
Follow this guide
How can I report a bug I’ve found?
If the bug is replicable, and you have all of the details necessary to recreate it, create a new issue on our GitHub detailing all that you know about the issue, and posting your logs about the issue in the post.
If you are unable to immediately replicate the issue, indicate so in the Github issue and provide as many details as you can, and submit your logs so they may be investigated.
If you are uncertain if a behavior is actually a bug, you can ask for clarification on our Discord server.
How can I report a Security Issue / Exploit?
If you've found an issue that you think is a security issue or an exploit that you'd like to report then please review our Security & Exploit Reporting Policy.
How can I help improve Resonite?
Currently there is no procedure for accessing early builds, this section will be updated should that change.
What do I do if I get a sync error/sync isn't finishing?
See this guide
General Troubleshooting and Known Issues
Textures aren’t loading/are checker boarded.
See this guide
Resonite is crashing to the desktop on Windows 7.
Resonite does not officially support Windows 7 as it is past End of Life. However, creating an empty file with no extension in the root of your C drive called UseUnityAudioAPI may resolve the issue.
Resonite doesn’t load on Windows 10 N.
If you are on Windows 10 N, you may be missing necessary dependencies to run Resonite. Try downloading the Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10:
My database is frequently corrupting/my primary drive is out of space.
See this guide
Resonite is visible on the desktop, but not in my HMD.
If you are on Oculus, ensure that you are running Resonite through the Oculus runtime. To do so, make sure SteamVR isn’t running when you launch Resonite from Oculus Home.
You may also manually specify the -RiftTouch command line argument through the launch options in Steam. To access them, right click on Resonite in your Steam library, and select Properties then Set Launch Options.
You can also force the SteamVR runtime instead either by using the Play Resonite with SteamVR runtime forced on option, specifying your device as SteamVR in the Resonite launcher, or using the -SteamVR command line argument in the launch options in Steam.
None of the above apply/I’m still in need of help.
In the event that your issue isn’t resolved by any of the above solutions, please feel free to reach out to other users through the #questions-help forum in our Discord server.
Monetization Questions
Does Resonite use Cryptocurrency?
Does Resonite use NFTs?
Will Resonite use NFTs or Cryptocurrency in the future?