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Node Name Description
Clip Length Tells you how long a IPlayable is in seconds.
Is Looped Tells you if a IPlayable is looped.
Is Playing Tells you if a IPlayable is playing.
Normalized Position Tells you the percentage from 0 to one a IPlayable is at on the timeline.
Pause Pauses a IPlayable.
Play Plays a IPlayable.
Play and Wait Plays a IPlayable and sends a Call when done.
Playback Drive Forces a SyncPlayback to play at the speed or position provided.
Playback State Provides info on a IPlayable's playback like if it is looped or playing to name two.
Position Tells a IPlayable's current position in seconds.
Resume Tells a IPlayable to continue playing.
Set Loop Sets if a IPlayable should loop upon a Call to the inputted bool.
Set Normalized Position Sets the percentage from 0 to one a IPlayable is at on the timeline.
Set Position Sets a IPlayable's position in seconds on the timeline.
Set Speed sets the playback speed of a IPlayable.
Shift Position Skips forwards or backwards a IPlayable's timeline by X seconds.
Speed Tells you the speed a IPlayable is playing at currently.
Stop Stops a IPlayable upon Call.
Toggle Resumes a IPlayable if stopped, and Pauses a IPlayable if Playing.
Wait When an Impulse is Recieved, it will fire the continue when the IPlayable is finished.