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Revision as of 18:38, 23 October 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (add info on 3D texture sampling and what XYZ points mean to this component)

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Component image 
Static Texture 3D component as seen in the Scene Inspector

Static Texture 3D is a component that represents a bunch of textures stacked on top of each other to make a 3D grid of pixel values. These textures can be displayed in 3D, or sampled via 3D positions in a few different components or in ProtoFlux Nodes.

The texture represented by this component can be generated using a stack of textures imported via batch importing images with the 3D texture option. The 3D texture will have filled color data for all pixels if all the images are the same pixel size on the x and y axies. If the size varies, the color is instead replaced with black pixels for the missing areas, with the largest image setting the X and Y size of the resulting 3D image.

The resulting 3D image is all the images stacked on top of each other, with the X and Y axies representing the X and Y coordinates of the original images, and the Z representing an index of the original set of images. For example, reading from 0,0,0 will get position (0,0) pixel of the first image (0) in the stack used to make the texture.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
URL Uri The address of the texture asset
FilterMode TextureFilterMode The method of texture filtering
AnisotropicLevel Int
Uncompressed Bool Whether to not compress the texture's size before loading into ram/vram. doesn't affect cloud size.
DirectLoad Bool Whether to not cache the texture in the local cache for Resonite
ForceExactVariant Bool Whether to not generate variants for this texture and force a certain texture type
PreferredFormat Nullable`1<TextureCompression>
PreferredProfile Nullable`1<ColorProfile>
MipMapBias Float
WrapModeU TextureWrapMode The wrapping mode on the texture's U coordinate
WrapModeV TextureWrapMode The wrapping mode on the texture's V coordinate
WrapModeW TextureWrapMode The wrapping mode on the texture's W coordinate
Readable Bool Whether or not the texture can be sampled via texture sampling ProtoFlux nodes



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