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Revision as of 04:37, 15 January 2024 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (Tween Value not Tween)

Enums(Enumerated Types) are Value Types which define a list of constants. These constants are mapped inside an Enum to an underlying numerical value. For example a simple Enum might be the days of the week:

  • Monday - 0
  • Tuesday - 1
  • Wednesday - 2
  • Thursday - 3
  • Friday - 4
  • Saturday - 5
  • Sunday - 6

Enums are useful when you want a defined set of behavior for a system to follow or when you want two components of a system to speak a common language.

In Resonite you will mostly come across Enums when you are dealing with certain ProtoFlux nodes or Components which have sets of predefined behavior which can be altered or changed by changing a value of an Enum.

For example, In the Tween Node, there is an input called CurvePreset which defines the type of Curve a Tween operation follows. By altering this Enum, you can change usually how smooth a Tween operation is.

Pages in category "Enums"

The following 152 pages are in this category, out of 152 total.