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Component image 
Geometry Line Brush Tool component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
_equipLink direct LinkTarget`1<ITool>
TipReference Slot
BlockGripEquip Bool
BlockRemoteEquip Bool
EquipName String
_overrideActiveTool InteractionHandler
_gripPosesGenerated Bool
FixedMinimumPointDistance Float
PositionSmoothing Float
RotationSmoothing Float
PressureSmoothing Float
MaxStrokeLength Float
StrokeFadeInLength Float
StrokeFadeOutLength Float
StrokeGroupFinishWaitTime Float
ActivationThreshold Float
DeactivationThresholdRatio Float
MenuSizeChange Float
SnapTip Bool
SnapLine Bool
StrokesSpace direct RootSpace
MakeStrokesGrabbable Bool
PositionStrokesToTip Bool
OrientStrokesToTip Bool
ScaleStrokesToUser Bool
PickMaterials Bool
PickColors Bool
CurrentMaterial Material
ColorMappings list of ColorMapping
_colorPicker direct SlotCleanupRef`1<ColorDialogInterface>
_pickedColor ColorX
_hideOnStroke list of Slot
_lastUsedMaterial Material
_lastCreatedMaterial Material
Pressure raw output of Float
Position raw output of Float3
Rotation raw output of FloatQ
LastPointDelta raw output of Float3
Velocity raw output of Float3
RawDelta raw output of Float3
RawVelocity raw output of Float3
RawStrokeLength raw output of Float
StrokeLength raw output of Float
NormalizedStrokeLength raw output of Float
StrokeFadeMultiplier raw output of Float
StrokeGroupIndex raw output of Int
TipAnchor Slot
LineStyles list of Line
Profile ColorProfile
UseRelativeMinimumPointDistance Bool
RelativeMinimumPointDistanceRatio Float
PressureAffectsSize Bool
MaterialPreviews list of MeshRenderer
_previewMesh reference drive of MultiLineMesh
_previewMeshOffset field drive of Float3
_sizeKnob Slot



See Also