Avatar Creator

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Revision as of 15:32, 27 August 2024 by Paradox19 (talk | contribs) (create fields of the avatar creator wizard. yes i call it that.)
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The Avatar Creator is a spawnable object you can spawn from your Dash Menu to create an Avatar, or anything that has IK or named bones on some object or Slot.

For a guide on how to create an avatar, that can be found in Avatar Creation.

Parts Of The Creator

Avatar Creator Panel

The avatar creator's main panel

The avatar creator's main interface gives access to multiple options. These include:

Option Description
Use Symmetry Will force the aligned hands to be placed symmentrically, this is useful for avatars that are in a T or A-Pose upon importing
Show Tool Anchors Displays the Toolshelf Anchor, Grab area anchor and the Tool anchor
Setup Volume Meter Will attach a volume meter component onto the (TODO: Where is this located?)
Setup Eyes Will automatically try to set up the avatar's eyes and attach an Eye Manager to a slot (called Eye Manager) underneath the Head bone
Setup Face Tracking Will automatically try to set up face tracking on the avatar, given it has the relevant visemes
Protect Avatar Attaches Simple Avatar Protection to the root and meshes of the avatar, making it so only the person who clicks "Create" can wear, export and open the Avatar's assets.

There are also some buttons attached to make creating the avatar easier.

Button Function
Align Head Forward Will try to align the head reference target's rotation with the avatar's head rotation
Align Head Up
Align Head Right
Center Head Position Will try to align the head reference target's position with the avatar's head position
Try Align Hands Will try to align the hand proxies with the avatar's hands. This often leads to the correct position but incorrect rotation. There is a trick to keep the position perfect while rotating though.
Align Tool Anchors Will try to align the tool anchors properly with the hands, but manual tweaking is usually required. It is helpful to check the box for Show Tool Anchors to see what this is doing though.

Avatar Creator Pieces

File:Avatar Creator 3D Pieces.webp
The movable aspects of the avatar creator, used for aligning parts of the model with the respective avatar pieces.

(TODO: Write up about the pieces such as the head, hands, and the anchors.)

Tips And Tricks

Adjusting proxies with the dev tool

You can adjust the proxies using the dev tool for fine-grain control over the position and rotation of the alignment. However, you must ensure you are moving the root of the reference, not the visual