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Component image 
Legacy Slider component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The LegacySlider component was used in old legacy content to act as a UI for adjusting a float via a slider. This component should not be used in new content and should be replaced whenever possible.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Style direct RelayRef`1<LegacyUIStyle> The source of the legacy color styles for this component.
AcceptPhysicalTouch Bool Whether to allow Component:TipTouchSources to interact with/activate this component.
AcceptRemoteTouch Bool Whether this component allows interaction via the user's interaction laser.
IsEnabledField Bool Whether this Legacy UI element is enabled and usable.
IncrementPressed delegate of identity Action`1<LegacySlider> The Sync delegate to call when the increment button is pressed, passing this component as an argument.
DecrementPressed delegate of identity Action`1<LegacySlider> The Sync delegate to call when the decrement button is pressed, passing this component as an argument.
DriveField field drive of Float The float field to drive with Value
AllowWriteBack Bool Whether changes to the value of the field targeted by DriveField should be written back to Value.
CreateUndoStep Bool Whether using this UI creates an Undo step.
Value Float The value this component is influencing.
Min Float The minimum value for Value.
Max Float The maximum value for Value.
Increment Float How much to shift Value by when using the slider side buttons.
IntegerOnly Bool Whether Value can only be a whole number.
ColorField ColorX The color of this UI.
SymmetricalField Bool whether this UI should be symmetrical.
WidthField Float The width of this UI.
HeightField Float The height of this UI.
CursorRatioField Float the size of the slider cursor compared to the slider container.
ThicknessField Float the thickness of the UI.
SlantField Float How beveled the UI is.
SpacingRatioField Float How to space out the center UI and its buttons.
TrackRatioField Float How big the slider track should be compared to the UI.
ButtonRatioField Float How big the buttons should be compared to the slider.
_trackMesh reference drive of MultiBevelStripeMesh The mesh for the slider track.
_leftMesh reference drive of BevelStripeMesh The mesh for the left button.
_rightMesh reference drive of BevelStripeMesh The mesh for the right button.
_cursorMesh reference drive of BevelStripeMesh The mesh for the slider cursor.
_trackMaterial reference drive of PBS_RimMetallic The material of the slider track.
_leftMaterial reference drive of PBS_RimMetallic The material of the left button.
_rightMaterial reference drive of PBS_RimMetallic The material of the right button.
_cursorMaterial reference drive of PBS_RimMetallic The material of the slider cursor.
_leftPosition field drive of Float3 The position field of the left button.
_rightPosition field drive of Float3 The position field of the right button.
_cursorPosition field drive of Float3 The position field of the cursor.
_leftColliderSize field drive of Float3 The size field of the left button's collider.
_rightColliderSize field drive of Float3 The size field of the right button's collider.
_trackColliderSize field drive of Float3 The size field of the track's collider.
_cursorColliderSize field drive of Float3 The size field of the cursor's collider.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
LeftOnTouch:TouchEvent TouchEvent
RightOnTouch:TouchEvent TouchEvent


Just dont.


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See Also