
From Resonite Wiki

Accessibility is the abstract concept of systems, tools, items, or other users helping users that have a disability, alteration, or some sensory impairment.

For a list of accessibility systems, tools, and items, look into the Accessibility Info Hub.

Below are some impairment types and what you can do to design your projects and worlds around them.

Types Of Impairments

Vision Impairment

Users that have vision issues or have a hard time seeing. Designing projects that use audio (including positional audio) will help users with this. Haptic response from slots can also help give feedback to these users.

Color Blindness

Users that have color vision deficiency, or color impairment of some form. Keeping in mind color theory and using alternatives to color (like shapes and text) can help with this.

Hearing Impairment

Users that have hearing loss, hard of hearing, or damaged hearing. Designing projects with symbols, images, or text can helps with this. Haptic response from slots can also help give feedback to these users.

Voice Impairment

Users that can't speak, or can speak but has something preventing them from being heard effectively. The community has made tools that can help users with this, notably the Mute Helper.

Motor Impairment

Users that don't have fine-motor control, have shaky hands, or muscle spasms. (TODO: Add how users can design projects to help with this.)

Mental Impairment

Users with neurological, mental, or brain impairment. There are not many design paradigms that can assist this directly, but changing the way one can teach the subject or explaining it in a different way may help users with this.

Desktop Accessibility

Users that are in Desktop Mode do not have as much freedom of movement as VR users. Here are some suggestions:

  • (TODO: Add a list of helpful desktop tools or features)

Language Barriers

Resonite is international, which means users are all over the world using this platform. But that also presents a problem, language barriers. The community has made translators to tackle this problem, and since Resonite does not have a native translator feature, many users use external sources like Google to handle the translations for their projects.

Sign Language

Users that have either hearing impairment or voice impairment will benefit to using sign language for communication in VR. However there is not many resources, projects, or tools that can help at this time.

There is also different sign language types as well, one being VR-ASL.