
Category page
Node Name Description
Closest Point On Cone Surface Returns the closest point on a defined cone (and if that point is inside of that cone or not).
Closest Point On Line Returns the closest point on a line.
Closest Point On Spherical Sector Surface Returns the closet point on a defined sphere (and if that point is inside of that sphere or not).
Closest Point Between Lines Returns the closest point(s) between 2 lines.
Distance From Cone Returns the distance between a cone and a point.
Distance From Spherical Sector Returns the distance between a sphere and a point.
Orientation On UV Sphere Returns the sphere orientation from a UV.
Point On UV Sphere Returns the point on a sphere using a the sphere's UV.
Ray Plane Intersection Returns the intersected point from a ray onto a plane.
Ray Sphere Intersection Returns the intersected point from a ray onto a sphere.
Rotation At Target Point Returns the rotated value to look at the target point.
Sphere For Tangent Line Returns the sphere tangent point, similar to a reversed Tan node.
Triangle Normal Takes in 3 points in 3D space and returns a normal from this triangle.