The Media Control node takes in a variety of parameters and impulse calls specifically for controlling an IPlayable media. This node solves the problem of not needing to find one specific media node inside the Media Category to do a task.
Play (Call)
Plays the target media.
Pause (Call)
Pauses the target media.
Stop (Call)
Stops the target media.
Resume (Call)
Resumes the target media.
SetLoop (Call)
Sets the loop for the target media.
SetPosition (Call)
Sets the position for the target media.
SetNormalizedPosition (Call)
Sets the normalized position for the target media.
SetSpeed (Call)
Sets the speed for the target media.
Target (IPlayable)
The target media that will be controlled by this node.
SetLoop (bool)
The loop value to set for this media.
SetPosition (float)
The position to set this media at (ranging from 0
to ClipLength
The position to set this media at (ranging from 0
to 1
SetSpeed (float)
The speed to set this media's playback.
OnPlay (Continuation)
Fires when the media started playing.
OnPause (Continuation)
Fires when the media paused.
OnStop (Continuation)
Fires when the media stopped playing.
OnResume (Continuation)
Fires when the media resumed playing.
OnSetLoop (Continuation)
Fires when the media's loop setting has been set.
OnSetPosition (Continuation)
Fires when the media's position has been set.
OnSetNormalizedPosition (Continuation)
Fires when the media's normalized position has been set.
OnSetSpeed (Continuation)
Fires when the media's speed has been set.
IsPlaying (bool)
Returns if the media is currently playing something.
Loop (bool)
Returns if this media is looping.
Position (float)
Returns the media's current playback position.
NormalizedPosition (float)
Returns the media's current playback normalized position.
ClipLength (float)
Returns the media's clip length.
Speed (float)
Returns the media's current speed.