
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Billboard Brush Tool component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The BillboardBrushTool is a Brush Tool that draws ribbons.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
_equipLink direct LinkTarget`1<ITool> This is Internal, and is used by the engine to retrieve the component this field is a part of. It cannot be assigned to.
TipReference Slot The slot to use as the tool's tip, instead of the component's slot.
BlockGripEquip Bool Whether to prevent legacy double grip equipping from equipping this tooltip.
BlockRemoteEquip Bool Whether to prevent equipping by clicking via laser
EquipName String The name of the tool in the context menu when equipping via context menu.
_overrideActiveTool InteractionHandler The interaction handler to use instead of this tool as an interaction handler.
_gripPosesGenerated Bool Whether the Grip Pose Reference components and slots have been generated for this tool.
FixedMinimumPointDistance Float Stroke point distances within a stroke cannot be less than this value.
PositionSmoothing Float How much to smooth the brush tip position when drawing.
RotationSmoothing Float How much to smooth the rotation of the brush tip when drawing
PressureSmoothing Float How much to smooth the brush pressure being applied
MaxStrokeLength Float The longest a Brush stroke can be before being ended forcibly.
StrokeFadeInLength Float The length along the stroke that the stroke fades in.
StrokeFadeOutLength Float The length along the stroke that the stroke fades out.
StrokeGroupFinishWaitTime Float Finishes the group when drawing strokes for more than this many seconds regardless of how full the group is.
ActivationThreshold Float When pressure/strength is above this value, the tool starts drawing.
DeactivationThresholdRatio Float When pressure/strength is below this value, the tool stops drawing.
MenuSizeChange Float How much to increment or decrement the brush size when using the context menu controls.
SnapTip Bool Whether the brush tip should snap to snappers like planes or snap spheres.
SnapLine Bool Whether to snap new lines to snappers like snap planes or snap spheres.
StrokesSpace direct RootSpace The space to create new strokes into.
MakeStrokesGrabbable Bool Make new strokes grabbable.
PositionStrokesToTip Bool Position the slots of new stroke groups to the brush tip.
OrientStrokesToTip Bool Make the rotation of new stroke group slots oriented to the brush tip.
ScaleStrokesToUser Bool Whether the brush strokes should be scaled up or down to match the user's scale.
PickMaterials Bool Whether this brush can pick a material by dipping the brush tip in a material orb.
PickColors Bool Whether this tool can pick colors by dipping the brush tip into a material orb.
CurrentMaterial Material The current material the brush is using to draw.
ColorMappings list of ColorMapping Associates materials with their color fields.
ParticleSystem LegacyParticleSystem The Particle system to Template when making Particle strokes.
MeshEmitterTemplate LegacyMeshEmitter The template component to use as the mesh emitter of new particle emitting strokes.
ParticleTemplateHandling TemplateHandling How to handle the use of the Particle system template per new stroke group.
EmissionRatePerUnitLength Nullable`1<Float> The rate of particle emission per unit length section of the stroke mesh.
_colorPicker direct SlotCleanupRef`1<ColorDialogInterface> The current color picker dialouge being used to pick a color for this brush.
_pickedColor ColorX The color that the tool has picked by being dipped in a material orb or picked via a color picker.
_hideOnStroke list of Slot The list of slots to hide while making a Brush stroke.
_lastUsedMaterial Material The last used material by this brush.
_lastCreatedMaterial Material The last material generated by this brush.
Pressure raw output of Float The pressure being applied to the brush.
Position raw output of Float3 The position of the brush tip after smoothing.
Rotation raw output of FloatQ The rotation of the brush tip after smoothing.
LastPointDelta raw output of Float3 The difference between the last drawing position and its current position.
Velocity raw output of Float3 The velocity of the tool tips position.
RawDelta raw output of Float3 The raw delta of the tool tips position.
RawVelocity raw output of Float3 The raw velocity of the tool tip.
RawStrokeLength raw output of Float The raw stroke length.
StrokeLength raw output of Float The current stroke length in meters in StrokesSpace
NormalizedStrokeLength raw output of Float The length of the current stroke from 0->1 where one is maximum length set for this brush for strokes.
StrokeFadeMultiplier raw output of Float The multiplier to the fade in and out effects of the stroke. Making the fade in and out sharper or more gradual.
StrokeGroupIndex raw output of Int The running index of strokes being drawn as part of a stroke group.
TipAnchor Slot The slot used as the source of strokes being drawn.
StrokePointRate Float A multiplier to the affect of speed on the generation of points, so point generation is more concentrated over distance.
ConstantPointRate Float A multiplier for the point generation rate while drawing
PressureAffectsRate Bool Whether tool pressure affects point generation rate
PressureAffectsRadius Bool Whether tool pressure effects the radius around the brush tip that points are generated.
ParticleSpawnRadius Float The radius from the brush tip that points are generated including for particles
SnapPoints Bool Whether generated points should snap to snappers like snapping planes, circles, lines, etc
MinColor Color The minimum color that can be generated for points (Quads, Cubes, Etc)
MaxColor Color The maximum color that can be generated for points (Quads, Cubes, Etc)
Profile ColorProfile The color profile of Min and Max color.
ColorGap Float Whether the color generated should bias towards min or max color.
MinSize Float2 The minimum size generated points can be (Quads, Cubes, etc)
MaxSize Float2 The maximum size generated points can be (Quads, cubes, etc)
SizeGap Float Whether the size should lean towards the minimum or maximum size.
AtlasInfo AtlasInfo The atlas info found from a material picked via material orb.
PressureAffectsSize Bool Whether tool pressure effects the size of generated points from this tool. (Quads, cubes, etc)
PressureAffectsAlpha Bool Whether tool pressure should affect color alpha.
PressureAffectsIntensity Bool Whether tool use pressure affects color brightness.
UseColor Bool When points are added to a point based brush, this determines if those points should use a color made from MinColor and MaxColor?.
MinRotation Float the minimum rotation the generated geometry can have.
MaxRotation Float the maximum rotation the generated geometry can have.
RotationGap Float the bias of the rotation of generated geometry
UseRotation Bool Whether the generated geometry should use rotation.
UseSize Bool Whether the generated geometry should utilize size arguments.
UseUV Bool Whether the generated geometry should have UVs.
_previewRenderer MeshRenderer The renderer being used to render the mesh preview of this brush.
_previewMesh direct DriveRef`1<PointMesh> The mesh being used to preview the stroke of this brush.
_previewMeshOffset field drive of Float3 The position offset of the mesh preview for this brush.


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See Also