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Button Audio Clip Player component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The ButtonAudioClipPlayer plays an AudioClip from a list on press, release, and hover.

Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
ParentUnder Slot Parents the one shot sound under the specified slot.
MinDistance Nullable`1<Float> The minimum distance for this sound.
MaxDistance Nullable`1<Float> The maximum distance for this sound.
RolloffMode Nullable`1<AudioRolloffMode> The rolloff for this sound.
PressedClips list of ClipData The list of pressed clip sounds.
ReleasedClips list of ClipData The list of released clip sounds.
HoverEnterClips list of ClipData The list of hover enter clip sounds.
HoverLeaveClips list of ClipData The list of hover leave clip sounds.
Name Type Description
Clip [[Type:AudioClip|AudioClip]] The sound to play.
Weight float How likely this sound will play.
MinVolume float The minimum volume this sound will play at randomly.
MaxVolume float The maximum volume this sound will play at randomly.
MinSpeed float The minimum speed this sound will play at randomly.
MaxSpeed float The maximum speed this sound will play at randomly.
Spatialized bool Should this sound be a 3D sound?
SpatialBlend float How 3D should this sound be?
MinDistance Nullable`1<float> The minimum distance this sound should play at.
MaxDistance Nullable`1<float> The maximum distance this sound should play at.
RolloffMode Nullable`1<AudioRolloffMode> The rolloff for this clip.


This is a powerful component that allows for customizability for your many sounds in one slot, great for boopers and UIX buttons that need to have a variety of sounds.


See Also