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Multi Audio Clip Player component as seen in the Scene Inspector

TODO: instead of being written by me with 2 brain cells of math this should be rewritten with actual math terms.

The MultiAudioClipPlayer is a component able to make a group of audios play at the exact same time with a timeline. How the math is determined is made by taking each track and checking their play length in seconds. Next a math equation is done to find how much to repeat each Audio Clip by, so they end at the same time. Then it makes this component's playback length where all the audio clips would end. This could be used as a way of doing said math equation.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
playback direct SyncPlayback the position of the multi audio clip player
Tracks list of MultiAudioClipPlayer.Track the different tracks this Multi Audio Clip is playing.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
Play:Action Action X Starts playback of the audio clips
Stop:Action Action X Stops playback of the audio clips and sets playhead back to beginning.
Pause:Action Action X Pauses playback of the audio clips.
Resume:Action Action X Resumes playback of the audio clips at current position.


Add a group of tracks to the tracks list to make them part of the player. The player can be referenced by Type:IPlayable capable nodes such as Media ProtoFlux Nodes and Components that take such. This component can also be put into an Audio Output Component to be heard by the user.


Name Type Description
Clip AudioClip The Clip to play for this track.
Volume Float How loud the track should be.
RelativeSpeed Float How fast the Clip is compared to the speed of playback


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See Also