
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Full Body Calibrator component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
TargetUser User
UseSymmetryForTrackers Bool
UseSymmetryForAvatar Bool
ShowBodyOverlay Bool
ShowAvatarOverlay Bool
HeightCompensation Float
AvatarHeightCompensation Float
_calibratingPose Bool
_spaceOffset Float3
_grabbable Grabbable
_headReference Slot
_leftHandReference Slot
_rightHandReference Slot
_hipsSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_chestSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_leftFootSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_rightFootSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_leftElbowSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_rightElbowSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_leftKneeSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_rightKneeSource TrackedDevicePositioner
_dialog FullBodyCalibratorDialog
_platformBody direct BodyReference
_userBody direct BodyReference
_customAvatar direct BodyReference
_leftHandOverride Slot
_rightHandOverride Slot
_targetCustomAvatar VRIKAvatar
_avatarHipsOffset Slot
_avatarLeftFootOffset Slot
_avatarRightFootOffset Slot
_avatarLeftKneeDefaultOffset Slot
_avatarRightKneeDefaultOffset Slot
_avatarHipHandle Slot
_avatarLeftFootHandle Slot
_avatarRightFootHandle Slot
_avatarLeftKneeHandle Slot
_avatarRightKneeHandle Slot
_avatarLeftKneeOffset direct FieldHook`1<Float3>
_avatarRightKneeOffset direct FieldHook`1<Float3>
_platformBodyMaterialSets list of MaterialSet
_ground Slot
_trackers list of Tracker
_visualizationRoot Slot
_bodyNodeMaterial FresnelMaterial
_calibrationReferenceMaterial OverlayFresnelMaterial
_leftHandOverrideMaterial OverlayFresnelMaterial
_rightHandOverrideMaterial OverlayFresnelMaterial
_leftHandOverrideFrontColor field drive of ColorX
_leftHandOverrideBehindColor field drive of ColorX
_rightHandOverrideFrontColor field drive of ColorX
_rightHandOverrideBehindColor field drive of ColorX
_patternTex StaticTexture2D
_title TextRenderer



See Also