Full Body Tracking

From Resonite Wiki
Full Body Calibrator And Panel
Full Body Calibrator And Panel

Full Body Tracking allows the user to be more immersed in VR within Resonite by controlling the avatar's limbs using a form of tracking (physical devices or cameras) that modifies the user's IK bone positions based on positions provided by the host VR runtime.

Usually turning on trackers should be recognized by Resonite immediately with no extra setup (may take some time depending on SteamVR).

Full Body Options

Vive Trackers

(TODO: Explain how to setup full body with Vive Trackers, and where to get them)

Tundra Trackers

(TODO: Explain how to setup full body with Tundra Trackers, and where to get them)

Slime VR

(TODO: Explain how to setup full body with Slime VR, and where to get them)


(TODO: Explain how to setup full body with MediaPipe, and where to get it)

Full Body Calibration

Full Body Calibration Panel
Full Body Calibration Panel

(TODO: Where to calibrate fullbody, with explaining why and why not? (Local home? Cloud home? At a headless?), this might be better in common issues as well?)

(TODO: Explain the steps needed for calibration, for each step, provide pictures and explain the individual options per panel/settings)

Post Setup

(TODO: Is saving required after calibrating full body?)

When Finished Using Full Body Tracking

There is an in-platform way of disabling trackers, located in the Dash Menu, in the settings tab, then going to devices and scrolling down to "Tracker Settings" and then toggling "Use Trackers". This is a global setting that effects all worlds you are in or will be in (and may need to be toggled once more to use Full Body Tracking again).

Simply turning off the trackers is not enough to disable full body tracking, as your avatar body will be in the last known place those trackers were at.

Community Tools

There is a community tool called the Feetus Deletus that removes the slots that your IK or proxies are following on your avatar. Allowing the user to use VR regularly again without the tracking.

There is a community Context menu addon called the FBT Killer that allows you to disable full body tracking with a push of a button. The added advantage is having this installed along with your avatar allows you to have the convenience of disabling the feature for the current world only but not for other worlds.

These tools only effect you in the current world you are in, as joining or starting another world would bring back the issue.

Common Issues

Oculus runtime users

Run Resonite in SteamVR mode, either with the -SteamVR Command Line Arguments.

Otherwise Resonite will run just fine, but no trackers will show up.


Trackers can lose connection, either by running out of batteries or being too far from a receiver or listener. When this happens, the tracker on your Avatar will freeze in place until the tracker is able to be turned back on or is within range again.

Camera Tracking

(TODO: What to do when camera tracking fails.)

Side Effects

Here is a list of side effects that you may run into when using (or not using) full body tracking:

  • When scaling and you have your trackers plugged in to charge and are recognized in Resonite, you will no longer scale at the center of yourself, but the center of your play space (more evident when the trackers are across the room from where you are).