
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Legacy Color Dialog component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Realtime Bool
TargetField direct RelayRef`1<IField`1<ColorX>>
_originalColor ColorX
_hue Float
_saturation Float
_value Float
_alpha Float
_profile ColorProfile
_gain Float
_rSlider LegacySlider
_gSlider LegacySlider
_bSlider LegacySlider
_aSlider LegacySlider
_gainSlider LegacySlider
_rValue field drive of Float
_gValue field drive of Float
_bValue field drive of Float
_aValue field drive of Float
_gainValue field drive of Float
_colorWheelMesh ColorWheelTriangleMesh
_okButton LegacyButton
_cancelButton LegacyButton
_style LegacyUIStyle



See Also