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Twitch chat dialogue is a component used to control and manage a live stream of chat messages sent by users at Twitch from a specific channel on Twitch.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. |
Canvas | The canvas this component generated for a visual twitch chat feed. |
LegacyPanel | The panel this component generated for a visual twitch chat feed. |
Int | The maximum amount of messages to keep in the message feed before deleting old ones. |
direct RelayRef`1<TwitchInterface> | The twitch interface that is providing and receiving events to allow this component to function. |
TextField | The text field that holds the name of the channel this component is displaying chat messages for. |
Text | The text object displaying the amount of users watching _channelName
Slot | the slot to put UIX text components under which are messages sent into _channelName 's chat.
ScrollRect | The scroll rectangle that is controlled to make sure it stays scrolled to the bottom as chat messages appear. |
Image | |
Text | |
DynamicSpriteFont | The dynamically changing sprite font for text characters like custom twitch emojis. |
FontCollection | A list of fonts used by chat messages from twitch. |