Component:UVW ProceduralTexture3D

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Component image 
UVW Procedural Texture 3D component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The UVWProceduralTexture3D component is used to create a default RGB cube that any XYZ coordinate corresponds to the same RGB color. This works as long as if ValueOffset is left at 0 and ValueMultiplier is left at 1. This means if it is plugged into a Component:LUT Material, it will not modify the colors seen through the material.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
HighPriorityIntegration Bool If true, integrating this asset (e.g. processing procedural assets) gets higher priority than assets with this flag off. An example is user laser procedural meshes.
FilterMode TextureFilterMode How to handle the interpolation between pixels.
AnisotropicLevel Int The levels of Anisotropic filtering distances when using Anisotropic for FilterMode
WrapModeU TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the X axis. this goes into affect when X values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
WrapModeV TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the Y axis. this goes into affect when Y values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
WrapModeW TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the Z axis. this goes into affect when Z values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
Profile ColorProfile The color profile to use for this texture's rendering.
Size Int3 The size of the procedural texture in pixels.
Format TextureFormat TextureFormat describes how Texture's pixel are stored in the VRAM.
ValueOffset Float3 How much to add to the colors in the cube by, which shifts all colors towards the +X,+Y,+Z direction.
ValueMultiplier Float3 How much to multiply the colors in the cube by, which scales all colors towards the +X,+Y,+Z direction.


Attach to a slot and insert into either a Component:VolumeUnlitMaterial or a Component:LUT Material to view what it looks like or how it modifies colors.


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See Also