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Component image 
Video Texture Provider component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The VideoTextureProvider component is used to display and play video. This component importantly implements both ITexture2D and IAudioSource which means it can be used as both a texture and a source of audio like a StaticAudioClip


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Playback direct SyncPlayback controls the playback of both the audio and visual elements of this component at the same time.
URL Uri The website or file source of the video. Like a youtube video or a file on a machine.
Stream Bool Whether this video should stream the data or cache it
Volume Float The volume of the video when being used as an IAudioSource in an audio player.
ForcePlaybackEngine String The engine to use for playback like UnityPlaybackEngine or LibVLC.
ForceVideoStreamingServiceParsing Bool Whether to force parsing a streaming service like Twitch.
VideoTitle raw output of String The field to populate with the name of the video that has been loaded.
CurrentPlaybackEngine raw output of String The current engine being used for playback
CurrentClockError raw output of Float The amount of seconds the player may have in error due to lag or otherwise.
FilterMode TextureFilterMode How to handle the interpolation between pixels.
AnisotropicLevel Int The levels of Anisotropic filtering distances when using Anisotropic for FilterMode
WrapModeU TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the X axis. this goes into affect when X values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
WrapModeV TextureWrapMode How to repeat or mirror the texture along the Y axis. this goes into affect when Y values are outside of the range [0.0 to 1.0].
AudioTrackIndex Nullable`1<Int> the audio track that the video player should use to play
PreferAudioOnly Bool whether to parse the video source as audio only rather than video and audio. An example of an audio only is an MP3 file type.
MaxWidth Nullable`1<Int> The max pixels on the x axis that will be rendered when using this as a texture.
MaxHeight Nullable`1<Int> The max pixels on the y axis that will be rendered when using this as a texture.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
UseAutomatic:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
UseUnityNative:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler
UseLibVLC:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler


This component is often seen with Video Players, as they implement ITexture2D (meaning they are also a texture) and also implement IAudioSource (Which mean that are also like an audio clip) and can be used by users in different ways (i.e. Multiple screens and speakers sharing one Video Player texture).


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See Also