- This world is made by the community.
The ProtoFlux Classroom is a World that is designed to teach ProtoFlux, but this world can be used to teach other subjects, as it provides tools for instructors to use as they see fit.
Currently, AmasterAmaster runs the workshop event as the main instructor teaching introductory concepts about Resonite, including ProtoFlux. The schedule is publicly available on the workshop page and the dedicated community discord server.
Parts Of The World
There are several parts of this world:
Spawn Platform
The spawn platform is where users spawn into the world, and equip their avatar (or use a provided optimized avatar). It is normal and expected for users to spawn into a default avatar, as that is by design. See avatar voice range control for more information.
A gentle notification will show up when a user first spawns into the world, asking them nicely to pick a lightweight avatar.
This is the segment in between the seats and the spawn platform. This area is great for chatting with others and also holds general tools, notice boards, and other information such as credits and who is in the world.
This room contains the engine that spins quickly when the ship begins traveling, making a sound when that happens.
This is where the students will be at. Provided for the students are buttons to spawn tools or to ask for help from an instructor or helper. These seats can accommodate 1 or more people inside (which is great for singular or group projects). There is also panels for speech-to-text, flux displays, and screens.
This is where the instructor will stand and present the lesson. There are many options, settings, and tools provided for them to control how this classroom will function. The Stage Controls Panel allows the instructor to do that with ease. There is also a rotating platform along the outer rim of the stage to help the instructor move objects around themselves (such as the ceiling steering wheel and Red Print boards).
This world offers tools for teaching and showcasing your lessons and other material, here is what you can expect when inside the world:
Avatar Voice Range Control
When a user spawns into a world, they will enter a default avatar specially designed for this world. This allows the world to grab the reference of the user's voice range for later use on the seat buttons. Users can switch into their preferred avatar without losing that voice range reference.
The normal voice mode is much shorter, shout has a similar range to an unaltered normal range, and broadcast is recommended for instructors since other modes have a reduced range.
Camera Screens
There is many screens around the classroom, showing where the camera is aimed at currently. There is a jumbo screen in the far back of the room and many medium sized screens on the ceiling, and a smaller screen on each of the seats. The instructor also has a screen on the Stage Controls Panel, specifically in the cameras tab.
Flux Displays
These displays show what flux is being used during the lesson, and each seat has these 2 flux display panels. Those provided flux displays are grabbable, allowing the students to make a copy of that display. The instructor has 2 Red Print boards and each one is hooked up to a display. When anything is placed on those boards, it shows the image of what is on it. This works for ProtoFlux nodes, inspectors, images, objects, audio players, video players, and anything that can snap to the Red Print.
Lessons Board
The lessons board shows the different days as well what is to be taught on that particular day. This is currently structured to follow the workshop event's lesson plan, but this can be used for any subject. This board lights up using the Stage Controls Panel controlled by the instructor.
Other notable Objects
There are other objects and tools students and instructors can use. Here is a few of those items:
- Mute Helper History Panel: This is used to see who said what, in a nice easy way for the instructor to read from.
- Sun Gun: Used to change the lighting for this world.
- Senko's Node Browser: Used for those that need a quick node browser.
- Uki's Component Searcher: This is used if any user needs help finding a Component or ProtoFlux node.
- Whiteboards/Chalkboards: These are just here for convenience to help teach a subject, use the marker to draw on them.
- Asset Frames: Connected the the Stage Controls Panel, these frames take in either images, audio clips, or videos to show the class the content they provide.
Seat Buttons
Each seat has a few buttons that can be pressed at any time, here is what each one does:
- The Question button is used to increase your voice range, making you sound global. This helps the instructor and other students in the classroom to hear you from a far distance. This only applies when you are within that seat area, and any users in the same seat area will hear each other normally (without the global effect).
- The Call A Helper button is used to notify a Mentor, helper, or instructor to come to a user that pressed this button, to help them with what they are having trouble with.
- The Clear Gizmos button is used to clear out any gizmos from that specific seat only.
Session And Time Info Panel
A simplistic panel showing the user's local time, how long the world has been up, and how long a lesson has been going for (using the convenient start, stop and reset buttons).
Speech-To-Text Panel And Controls
The instructor has a setting on the Stage Controls Panel near the stage to enable the Speech-To-Text feature for the students. The panel for the students is located on each of the seats. The panel itself has 2 sections (the top is English and the bottom is Japanese), these sections show text, and when the instructor pauses for a moment, the text will appear for the sections. The panel also has a scroll bar to see the history of what was talked about, and a "Latest" button to see the latest text (on by default). There is also a copy text button to help the students save a transcript for later study.
Stage Controls
This is where the instructor can control the many features and tools in this world. This panel is located near by the stage. Here is what this panel can offer:
Stage Controller
This is used to make sure only the instructor can use the stage controls. Enter a name in the text field and click the "Take Control" button.
- Classroom Controls: Contains the settings for the classroom itself.
- Lesson Board Controls: A set of checkboxes to light up the different lesson days for the lesson board.
- Classroom Status: A set of buttons used to let other users know what is the current state of the classroom when giving a lesson.
- Other Controls: Other extra controls and features.
- Mentor Checkpoint: Toggles the feature to create an invisible barrier that prevents non-mentors from getting too close to the stage.
There is a screen here to show the instructor what the camera is focusing on currently.
- Camera Controls: This allows control for the camera and how it functions.
- Camera & Screen Toggle: Toggling this will turn on or off the camera system (mainly used for performance).
- Main Stage View: This button places the camera in front of the stage, facing the instructor.
- Rotating Stage View: This button places the camera on a rotating Slot that goes around the stage, facing the instructor.
- Freeroam View: This button places the camera on a camera anchor that is near the table, allowing the instructor to place the camera anywhere.
- First Person View: This button places the camera in front of the user's view position, facing outwards.
- Seat 01 Camera View: This button places the camera at seat 01.
- Seat 02 Camera View: This button places the camera at seat 02.
- Seat 03 Camera View: This button places the camera at seat 03.
- Seat 04 Camera View: This button places the camera at seat 04.
- Seat 05 Camera View: This button places the camera at seat 05.
- Seat 06 Camera View: This button places the camera at seat 06.
- Light Controls: These controls change the way how this world uses lighting.
- Lobby Light: The light for the lobby area.
- Seat Light: The light for the seat area.
- Stage Light: The light for the stage area.
- Point Light: The light for the point light that is near the table. Useful for when you need quick access to a light.
- Audio Controls: These settings control how the audio works in this world.
- BGM: Controls how loud the background music should be. The music is different depending on where this ship traveled to.
- SFX: Controls how loud the sound effects should be.
Projectors & Boards
- Red Print Controls: This enables the red prints, sliding them up when toggled.
- Seat Red Prints: This enables the red prints near the seats where the students are, there is a red print for each seat.
- Stage Red Prints: This enables the red prints for the stage. These red prints are connected to the flux displays.
- Video Controls: These settings effect how videos work in this world.
- Show Video Player: Toggles the video player and slides it in like a video projector screen. Use the asset frames near the table to insert a video to show.
- Image Controls: These settings effect how images work in this world.
- Show Image: Toggles the image and slides it in like a video projector screen. Use the asset frames near the table to insert an image to show.
- Speech-To-Text/Subtitle Controls: These settings control how speech-to-text works for the world.
- Use Speech-To-Text/Subtitles: This toggles the speech-to-text feature for the world.
- Open Website Buttons: Opens a website to the Resonite Voice Bridge. There is a note stating that it requires a chromium web browser to use this option.
- Clear History Button: This is used to clear the entire speech-to-text history. Warning: This cannot be undone once pressed!
- Stage Rotation Controls: This controls the features on the stage.
- Reset Stage Rotation: This resets the platform's rotation on the stage, effectively resetting the position of the table and red prints.
- Cleanup Controls: These settings are used to clean up the world. To use these buttons, click on one of the options, then the "Are You Sure?" Button. Warning: This action cannot be undone.
- Cleanup Hall: Cleans up the hall for this world.
- Cleanup Seats: Cleans up the seats for this world.
- Cleanup Stage: Cleans up the stage for this world.
[Blank for now]
- Reset Everything Button: Used to reset the classroom to a default state.
- Clear Out All Areas Button: Used to destroy all slots not relating to the classroom, effectiffly cleaning it out. Warning: This cannot be undone!
- Relinquish Control: Used to unlock the stage control panel and allow another instructor to use it instead.
There are snappers for the sun gun, point light, and the freeroam camera.
Tools Panel
A panel that has a lot of tool images and other icons. This panel is on every seat, and the instructor gets a special version of it on a nearby wall. The instructor's version allows them to click on any image and it will light up, showing the students what they need for a lesson. The student's version of the panel when clicking on any of the icons, will spawn the tool out for them. The panel also contains instructions to find the tool manually (in case Cloud Spawning breaks).
The workshop has been running for awhile, and collectively has taught many lessons throughout since it started. Here is what has been given as lessons during the previous events:
The entire classroom is centered around a ship-like structure, named the "S.S. Theseus". A reference to the Ship of Theseus, the concept if something is still the same thing if most or all the parts have been replaced, piece by piece. This is fitting for a world like this in Resonite, as this world gets renovated during the times where lessons and workshops are not going on (and can be seen as the world saves frequently during this time).
This ship has an engine that can transport anyone on it to different times, places, worlds, and even dimensions. Throughout the Resonite-verse, you may see this ship flying above in your world, if you are lucky enough to be graced by it's presence in the current moment. Most times however, it is cloaked or is very hard to see or detect.
This ship was granted by the mentor council and is certified by them, giving the keys to AmasterAmaster to drive around and to educate the masses with. Currently, there has not been any ship-based accidents so far.
Some users called this ship a "Twinkie".
This ship has traveled to many places, here are some of them:
The Dawn Skies: A vast space containing clouds, asteroids, and space lasers. Exotic wildlife fly though the skies where the time of day is always beautiful. This is where the ship mostly stays in, either as a starting point for trips across the resonite-verse or a place to charge up for such adventures.
Quite a few users helped put together this amazing world, and can be seen on a credits panel in the lobby. Here are the credits:
- AmasterAmaster - Workshop Host, Lore keeper
- BigRedWolfy - Mentor Lead
- Amunak - Optimizations, Helper
- Chundelac - Audio Support (User Voice Range)
- nearbyfaraaway - Math Support, Helper
- Sloppy McFloppy - Helper
- Timaram - Audio Support (User Voice Range)
- Charizmare - Features & Bug Fixes
- Harmonica - Features & Bug Fixes
- FoxBox - Features & Bug Fixes
- Redd58 - Building Design
- Dave the Turner - Photographer
- projektivity - Videoghrapher
- GManAmby - Instructor, Helper
- MrTumnus - Helper
- J4 - Instructor
Assets Used
- Modular Dawn Set + Music - Resonite Team
- Red Print - Ukilop
- Resonite Voice Bridge - Sloppy McFloppy
- Buttons & Knobs - GhostZ36
- Senko's Node Browser - Senko
- FluxShot - Colin The Cat
- chalkboard - GManAmby
- Gizmo Eraser - Spacee1
- Sound Effects + Music - Pixabay