User:AmasterAmaster/Modified Kitchen Gun

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AmasterAmaster's Modified Kitchen Gun
The Modified Kitchen Gun by AmasterAmaster


Amaster's Modified Kitchen Gun is a item made by AmasterAmaster. It is a Kitchen Gun, a tool that can be held and when the user fires this gun, it destroys a slot that it was aimed at.


This item was created as a way to make deleting slots much easier and safer to do.


This was inspired by the frustration of wanting to quickly delete something in a world, but the fear of making a mistake and destroying the wrong object would make the original Kitchen Gun useless for productivity. Thus this was made, a safer alternative to cleaning a world.

How To Use

Just like the original Kitchen Gun, shooting anything will destroy that slot immediately, but this version has extra features:

Deletion Modes

This tool has different modes depending on how you want to destroy a slot:

  • Individual Slot will delete the first slot detected from this tool, and only that slot.
  • Object Root will delete the entire collection of slots all the way up to the first found slot that contains the Object Root component.

Undoable Destruction

This tool allows you to open your Context Menu, and selecting the undo button to bring back an accidentally destroyed slot. This works for all modes on this tool.