
2,915 editsJoined 10 February 2024
Revision as of 12:08, 22 May 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Fixed link)
AmasterAmaster, posing to the camera. He is an orange smooth skinned dragon with his dev tip being an inspector on the back of the hand and a modified ProtoFlux browser on the palm. He has horns, and long ears. His hair, fuzz, on different parts of his body and his claws look like a red back grounded star scape, and he has a tail with fur on the end with the same star like design. His wings also have white claws. his wing membranes have the same red stared design. He also has a red underbelly and under tail with no star designs.
AmasterAmaster (Sparky the Dragon)
2,248.5 hours This user has 2,248.5 hours in Resonite.
Green lightbulb This user is a Resonite mentor.
Barred eye icon This user is visually impaired.
Eye divided into two colors This user has color vision deficiency.
Barred ear icon This user has a hearing impairment.
zZz This user sleeps in VR.


AmasterAmaster is a very eccentric user that loves to create, experiment, and test many projects in Resonite (and outside the platform too). He has experience in programming, computer science, audio engineering (to some degree), digital art (including texturing), AI generation, writing, and content creation (including YouTube video creation & Twitch streaming). He specializes in programming as he went to college specifically for game design, and he also focuses on ProtoFlux for this reason.

If you see him in a private world, rest assured that he is working on many different projects, but don't be afraid to say hi to him. He tries his best to reach out to those in need and is willing to give a helping hand to any troubles you may be facing.

Known characters

It is a known fact that AmasterAmaster loves dragons, that can be seen when he wears his personal avatar which is an orange-yellow and red dragon named "Sparky the Dragon", a character that he created for a comic that he plans on eventually finishing. He also has other characters that he brought over either from VRChat, from his comic, or from his D&D campaigns.

Current Projects & Contributions

Currently, AmasterAmaster is porting over the many features and mechanics over from VRChat. These range from his famous audio manager, kart scrips, and many other pieces of code he has laying around in his projects. He enjoys this as he states he is learning how to do things the "Resonite way". Other things he is doing include making a world dedicated to learning how things work in Resonite, a movie world that is more lightweight, and Mario Kart based worlds.


AmasterAmaster is a content creator that makes many different gadgets and worlds, he also helps where he can if someone is in need of help within the community. He also did the initial upload for almost every single component image on the wiki, and he is helping 989onan with completing all the pages for the ProtoFlux Category.

Public Folders

AmasterAmaster has the following public folders you can access now:

Folders Links
Amaster's Tools resrec:///U-AmasterAmaster/R-73FDC5F6329C06ED74401EB57CD001F4C365B738FC226819D6447C3198FBA180


AmasterAmaster makes different tools and gadgets designed to help making content creation faster, easier, or to help devs make their dreams come true. Here is a list of some notable items he has made, and can be accessed now in his public folder.

Item Description
Audio Manager A tool that helps play audio in the way you want it to. Gives the user control and freedom on how audio should be played in the world.
Bezier Tool A tool that lets you create bezier curves in 3D space and lets you move objects along the curve.
Day & Night System A tool that can rotate a slot (usually the sun or skybox) according to your time or a set time you provide.
FluxSharp Transpiler (Prototype)ᴬ A tool that allows a user to type and spawn out ProtoFlux nodes, helping developers code faster and/or bring in code to transform it into Flux.
Modified Kitchen Gun A tool that can delete slots when shot at. This modified tool is special as it has the ability to undo destruction and can pick to destroy individual slots or the object root.
Modern Ultra Tool A tool that has the capabilities of a Dev Tool, ProtoFlux Tool, and Material Tool, all rolled into one. Mainly used for VR content creation.
Material Organizer A tool that organizes materials in a nice grid, allowing users to name the entire collection and individual rows.
World Cleaner A tool that designed to quickly wipe a world clean.
World Jumper A tool that allows the wearer to jump from different sessions around Resonite.

ᴬ Uses Ref Hacking. Here is a tutorial explaining how Ref Hacking works. It is also one of the things to avoid.


AmasterAmaster has made many different worlds, each with their own unique uses and ideas. Here are the following public worlds you can access now.

Worlds Description Links
AmasterAmaster's Dev World His development world focused on learning how Resonite works. resrec:///resrec:///U-AmasterAmaster/R-c3881754-d651-4a84-82b7-60296791d1b5
The ProtoFlux Classroom A world dedicated to teaching users how to use ProtoFlux. This is officially a workshop world. resrec:///U-AmasterAmaster/R-8faeeda5-ca8f-4a79-a91f-4806e5b6996b

Feature Requests

These are the feature requests on GitHub that AmasterAmaster made and wishes to one day have in Resonite. Thumb these issues up if you want to see them in Resonite! 👍

Feature Description Would Help with Interest Level
Caret Controls Asking for Components or Flux that can control the Caret (text cursor) in a more manageable way. Helps with making Text Editors No Traction...
Auto-Sequential Key Presses Asking for a way to have keyboard inputs, one after another, that can be controlled through Components or Flux. Helps with making Text Editors No Traction...
Extra Tool Access w/ Modifier Keys Asking for a way to use Shift+# to access extra tools on Desktop Mode. Helps with productivity Closed... :(
User Voice Mode Setter Asking for a way to set a user's voice mode using Flux or Components. Helps with World Creation Some traction


- "Rawr"
- "I'm an emotional support dragon!"
- "What did you do!?" / "What have you done!?"