ProtoFlux Tool

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Revision as of 04:55, 12 January 2024 by Alizard (talk | contribs) (basic Proto Flux Tool context menu information)
Resonite's proto flux tool inventory icon
The Proto Flux Tool

The Proto Flux Tool is one of the most useful tools in Resonite, allowing you to create, connect, and pack ProtoFlux nodes.

Where To Get The Tool

The Proto Flux Tool can be found in the Resonite Essentials public folder that every new user starts with in their inventory.

Using The Tool

The Proto Flux Tool can be equipped like any other standard tool.

The Proto Flux Tool context menu

While the Proto Flux Tool is equipped, your context menu will gain a number of extra functions depending on context:

  • Browse node: Summon a ProtoFlux node browser.
  • Toggle Overview mode: Changes the visual complexity of the nodes.
  • Unequip: Unequip the tool.