Flight Data Recorder

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Revision as of 22:26, 30 March 2024 by TheAutopilot (talk | contribs) (first parts of the documentation with a lot of missing information)
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Flight Data Recorder is a ProtoFlux logging tool made by TheAutopilot. It consists of an interactive UIX window that you can connect to multiple “probes” which mimic ProtoFlux nodes.


Log Window

Title Bar

The title bar contains 3 buttons:

opens/closes the settings
parents the window to the user
destroys the logging UI (This also deletes all collected log data!)


The log area is a table displaying a list of recorded events.

Event Column

This always is the first column of the table. Each event cell is made up of 3 rows:

  1. row
    • an indicator for the event type (Σ for value changes, » for impulse events)
    • the ID of the event source
    • a button to show the event source in an inspector panel
  2. row
    • a decorative clock symbol
    • the world time of the event in millisecond precision
    • the UTC time of the event without date in millisecond precision
    • a button to revert the logged values to the state logged in the line (More details in section Revert Values)
  3. row
Value Column

These columns can be moved around with primary. (internally uses a UIX Slider) Each value cell consists of two rows:

  1. row
    • a Σ if the value exists
    • the type of the value (if not null)
    • an indicator to tell if the raw value has been stored (green: can be applied to revert values)
    • a button to show the value source in an inspector panel
  2. row with one of the following
Scroll Bar

The scroll bar allows quick navigation through the log. (implemented by connecting a Slider with a ScrollRect)

Due to UI limitations some rendering issues are to be expected while quickly moving through the list.



This is a checkbox to enable/disable creation of new log items.

Show Rich Text

This checkbox toggles if the values are displayed with text formatting.

Clear Log

This deletes all log entries


This action is still in development. (goal: CSV or JSON export)

Settings Window

Impulse Probe

Value Probe


Managing Probes

Recording Events

Revert Values

Version History
