
From Resonite Wiki
Revision as of 22:18, 4 January 2025 by 989onan (talk | contribs) (forgot avatars and world orbs oops.)
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Favorites are a system in Resonite to allow users to set their own custom UI for different elements of the game. A favoritable item will have a component that extends the EntityInterface class in game. The exceptions to the EntityInterface rules are Avatars and WorldOrbs.

EntityInterfaces will all have in common:

Name Type Description
ItemName IField`1<String> The name of this favoritable item.
SpawningUser UserRef The user that spawned this favoritable item.
SpawningUserID IField`1<String> The field containing the ID of the user that spawned this favoritable item.
IsInstance Bool Whether this item is an instance.

Items that have this component at the root of their hiearchy all have in common that:

  • The game will spawn the user's favorited version rather than the default in all cases where the user opens that type of UI
  • when the item is spawned by means not from inventory, the IsInstance boolean is switched on, allowing ProtoFlux to read this and know it was spawned by the game. This is used in Component:ProgressBarInterfaces to make them disappear and delete themselves after loading is done
  • these items can be modified, saved to inventory, and then favorited. Allowing for users to customize their UI elements and game elements.

Components that currently support this are: