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Component image 
WorldOrb component as seen in the Scene Inspector



Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
SessionStartingUser User
ActiveSessionURLs direct SyncFieldList`1<Uri>
CreateIfNotExists WorldCreator
OpenActionOverride Action`1<WorldOrb>
Visit VisitState
ActiveUsers Int
RecordStateUpdated Bool
IsPublic Bool
CanModify Bool
LongPressIndicatorColor ColorX
LongPressTime Float
_longPressIndicator RingMesh
_longPressIndicatorMaterial UnlitMaterial
Touched Action`2<WorldOrb, TouchEventInfo>
LongPressTriggered Action`1<WorldOrb>
_lastFetchedUrl Uri
_orbRoot Slot
_infoRoot Slot
_thumbTex StaticTexture2D
_thumbMaterial Projection360Material
_shellMaterial direct DriveRef`1<PBS_RimMetallic>
_nameText TextRenderer
_creatorText TextRenderer
_visitsText TextRenderer
_usersText TextRenderer
_namePosition field drive of Float3
_creatorPosition field drive of Float3
_visitsPosition field drive of Float3
_usersPosition field drive of Float3
_userCountText field drive of String
_sizeDrive field drive of Float3
_iconSlot Slot
_iconTexture StaticTexture2D
_iconMaterial UnlitMaterial
_iconPosition field drive of Float3
_sessionStartDialog direct SlotCleanupRef`1<NewWorldDialog>
_lastTouch Double
_lastFlash Double



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