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Component image 
Interaction Handler component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Side Chirality Specifies Left or Right Hand
LocomotionController direct RelayRef`1<LocomotionController>
GrabSmoothing Float
_streamDriver InteractionHandlerStreamDriver
_undoItem ContextMenuItem
_redoItem ContextMenuItem
ContextMenu ContextMenu
EquippingEnabled Bool
MenuEnabled Bool
UserScalingEnabled Bool
VisualEnabled Bool
PointingGrab Bool
PointingTouch Bool
_toolRoot Slot
_laserSlot Slot
_laserPosition field drive of Float3
_laserRotation field drive of FloatQ
_interactionLaser InteractionLaser
_laserEnabled Bool
_handGrabType HandGrabType
_holderPos field drive of Float3
_holderRot field drive of FloatQ
_laserRotationType LaserRotationType
_holderAxisOffset Float
_holderRotationOffset FloatQ
_holderRotationReference Nullable`1<FloatQ>
_originalTwistOffset Float
_userspaceToggleIndicator RingMesh
_settingSyncs list of SettingSync
ToolHolder Slot
ShowInteractionHints Bool
_grabberSphereActive field drive of Bool
_grabIgnoreRoot Slot
_grabber Grabber
_currentGrabType GrabType
ActiveToolLink direct LinkTargetRef`1<ITool>
_activeToolGripPoseReference GripPoseReference
_toolLocked Bool
_grabMaterial FresnelMaterial
_itemShelfSlot Slot
_itemShelf ItemShelf



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