
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Context Menu component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The ContextMenu component is the main component that handles the functionality of every user's Context Menu.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
Owner User The user that is using this context menu
Pointer Slot the slot that represents the pointer the user is interacting with the menu with.
Separation Float How many degrees of separation each arc button has.
LabelSize Float2 The size of image labels on the buttons
RadiusRatio Float The ratio of the button arcs vs the size of the circle in the middle.
_currentSummoner direct SyncRef The thing opening the menu currently
_canvas Canvas The UIX canvas rendering the buttons.
_arcLayout ArcLayout The layout being used to arrange the buttons
_canvasActive field drive of Bool The active field of the canvas this context menu's visuals are being drawn on.
_colliderEnabled field drive of Bool The active field of the collider of the context menu to allow interaction with it.
_iconImage Image The icon of the center circle button. Used to display the image of the hovered button option.
_separation field drive of Float The field used to control the separation of button options in the context menu.
_offsetMin field drive of Float2 The offset min field of the radial menu section
_offsetMax field drive of Float2 The offset max field of the radial menu section.
_innerCircle OutlinedArc The graphic of the inner circle for the context menu
_innerCircleButton Button The button part of the inner circle of the context menu.
_innerCircleAnchorMin field drive of Float2 The anchor min field of the rectangle transform of the inner circle graphic. Used to control how it looks when flicking and changing its size.
_innerCircleAnchorMax field drive of Float2 The anchor max field of the rectangle transform of the inner circle graphic. Used to control how it looks when flicking and changing its size.
_itemsRoot Slot the slot that contains all the arc items that makes up the context menu options.
_arcMaterial UI_CircleSegment The material used to draw the menu options in the context meny.
_fontMaterial UI_TextUnlitMaterial The material used to render the text for the context menu options
_spriteMaterial UI_UnlitMaterial The material used to render the image sprites on the buttons in the context menu.
_arcOverlay field drive of Bool The enable Overlay mode on the arc material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_fontOverlay field drive of Bool The enable Overlay mode on the font material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_spriteOverlay field drive of Bool The enable Overlay mode on the sprite material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_arcZTest field drive of ZTest the Ztest field on the arc material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_fontZTest field drive of ZTest the Ztest field on the font material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_spriteZTest field drive of ZTest the Ztest field on the spite material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_zwriteArc field drive of ZWrite the Zwrite field on the arc material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_zwriteText field drive of ZWrite the Zwrite field on the font material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_arcRenderQueue field drive of Int the render queue field on the arc material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_fontRenderQueue field drive of Int the render queue field on the font material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_spriteRenderQueue field drive of Int the render queue field on the sprite material. Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_canvasOffset field drive of Int Used to control if the context menu should appear ontop of everything else.
_fillFade field drive of ColorX Is faded by _lerp.
_outlineFade field drive of ColorX Is faded by _lerp.
_textFade field drive of ColorX Is faded by _lerp.
_iconFade field drive of ColorX Is faded by _lerp.
_lerp Float Lerps between 0 and 1. 0 for context menu closed and 1 for context menu open.
_state ContextMenu.State Communicates what opening stage the context menu is in.
_flickModeActive Bool Whether the context menu currently is being flicked.
_flickEnabled Bool Whether the context menu currently allows flicking.
_hidden Bool Whether the context menu is currently hidden from every user except Owner
_selectedItem ContextMenuItem The item currently being hovered over by the user's pointer.

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Is the method hidden? Description
CloseMenu:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler Closes the menu if it is currently open.
OnInnerPressed:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler Called when the context menu inner circle is pressed.
OnInnerReleased:ButtonEventHandler ButtonEventHandler Called when the context menu inner circle is released.


Name Value Description
Closed 0 The menu is currently closed.
Opening 1 The menu is doing it's opening animation.
Opened 2 The menu is fully open.

See Also