
From Resonite Wiki
Component image 
Context Menu component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled.
Owner User
Pointer Slot
Separation Float
LabelSize Float2
RadiusRatio Float
_currentSummoner direct SyncRef
_canvas Canvas
_arcLayout ArcLayout
_canvasActive field drive of Bool
_colliderEnabled field drive of Bool
_iconImage Image
_separation field drive of Float
_offsetMin field drive of Float2
_offsetMax field drive of Float2
_innerCircle OutlinedArc
_innerCircleButton Button
_innerCircleAnchorMin field drive of Float2
_innerCircleAnchorMax field drive of Float2
_itemsRoot Slot
_arcMaterial UI_CircleSegment
_fontMaterial UI_TextUnlitMaterial
_spriteMaterial UI_UnlitMaterial
_arcOverlay field drive of Bool
_fontOverlay field drive of Bool
_spriteOverlay field drive of Bool
_arcZTest field drive of ZTest
_fontZTest field drive of ZTest
_spriteZTest field drive of ZTest
_zwriteArc field drive of ZWrite
_zwriteText field drive of ZWrite
_arcRenderQueue field drive of Int
_fontRenderQueue field drive of Int
_spriteRenderQueue field drive of Int
_canvasOffset field drive of Int
_fillFade field drive of ColorX
_outlineFade field drive of ColorX
_textFade field drive of ColorX
_iconFade field drive of ColorX
_lerp Float
_state State
_flickModeActive Bool
_flickEnabled Bool
_hidden Bool
_selectedItem ContextMenuItem

Sync Delegates

Method Name Method type and Arguments. Description
CloseMenu() Delegate<IButton: button, ButtonEventData: eventData>



See Also