
Category page
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Category Summary
Export Exportable assets.
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Material Property Blocks Specific Material Property blocking.
Materials Contains all of Resonite's material shaders.
Metadata Asset metadata.
Procedural Animations Procedural animation.
Procedural Audio Clips Procedural audio modifications.
Procedural Cubemaps Procedural cubemap creations.
Procedural Fonts Procedural dynamic fonts.
Procedural Meshes Procedural meshes.
Procedural Textures Procedural textures.
Tagging Material Policies.
Utility Asset metadata, asset multiplexers.
Component Description
NullTextureProvider Provides the null texture used for missing textures.
RenderTextureProvider Provides the texture resolution from Cameras.
SpriteProvider Provides a sprite texture for UIX.
StaticAnimationProvider Provides and loads a static animation from a URL.
StaticAudioClip Provides and loads a static audio clip for AudioClipPlayer from a URL.
StaticBinary Provides a binary from a URL.
StaticCubemap Provides a cubemap from a URL.
StaticFont Provides a font from a URL.
StaticMesh Provides a static mesh from a URL.
StaticShader Provides a shader from a URL.
StaticTexture2D Provides a static 2D texture from a URL.
StaticTexture3D Provides a static 3D texture from a URL.
VideoTextureProvider Provides a video & sound to a texture from a URL. Requires an AudioOutput for an audio source.