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Component image 
Interactive Camera Control component as seen in the Scene Inspector

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Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated.
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't.
_canvas Canvas
_panel LegacyPanel
FieldOfView Float
AnglePosition Float
Distance Float
HeightOffset Float
FirstPersonPitch Float
FirstPersonRoll Float
FirstPersonOffset Float
FramingViewportPosition Float2
Mirror Bool
GroupDetectionRadius Float
GroupLeaveBoundary Float
PositionSmoothSpeed Float
AngleSmoothSpeed Float
FramingSmoothSpeed Float
InterpolateBetweenAnchors Bool
AnchorInterpolationSpeed Float
AnchorLinearInterpolation Bool
Mode CameraPositioningMode
FramingTargetOverride String
CameraOperators direct SyncFieldList`1<String>
GroupIncludeUsers direct SyncFieldList`1<String>
GroupExcludeUsers direct SyncFieldList`1<String>
RenderForEveryone Bool
AnyoneCanInteract Bool
RenderPrivateUI Bool
MotionBlur Bool
ScreenSpaceReflections Bool
SpawnPhotoInWorld Bool
FlipPreview Bool
_renderTextureProxy RenderTextureProxyProvider
_framingReticle RectTransform
_mirrorMessage RectTransform
_smoothFirstPersonButton Button
_thirdPersonButton Button
_groupButton Button
_worldButton Button
_manualButton Button
_mirrorButton Button
_usersButton Button
_angleIncreaseButton Button
_angleDecreaseButton Button
_heightIncreaseButton Button
_heightDecreaseButton Button
_distanceIncreaseButton Button
_distanceDecreaseButton Button
_resetButton Button
_fovSlider Slider`1<Float>
_avoidOcclusion Checkbox
_keepInWorldSpace Checkbox
_movementWobble Checkbox
_aimInFrontOfHead Checkbox
_forceEyesOnCamera Checkbox
_hideCamera Checkbox
_hideBadge Checkbox
_hideLasers Checkbox
_showFrustum Checkbox
_timer Checkbox
_forceLive Checkbox
_audioFromCameraViewpoint Checkbox
_userControl InteractiveCameraUserControl
_settingsDialog InteractiveCameraControlSettings
_positioningDialog InteractiveCameraControlPositioning
_anchorsDialog InteractiveCameraControlAnchors
_OBS_Dialog InteractiveCameraOBS
_twitchDialog TwitchChatDialog
_settingsButton Button
_positioningButton Button
_anchorsButton Button
_OBS_Button Button
_twitchButton Button
_previewMaterial UI_UnlitMaterial



See Also