Component image File:InteractiveCameraControlComponent.pngInteractive Camera Control component as seen in the Scene Inspector
See Camera.
Name | Type | Description |
Bool | Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server. |
Int | Controls the order in which this component is updated. |
Bool | Controls whether or not this component is enabled. Some components stop their functionality when this field is disabled, but some don't. |
Canvas | The canvas being used to show settings. |
LegacyPanel | The legacy panel being used as a base to interact with the settings. |
Float | The field of view for the camera. The default is 60 .
Float | The rotation around the subject. The default is 0.00 .
Float | The distance from the camera and the subject. The default is 1.50 .
Float | The height for this camera to be at. The default is 0 .
Float | Adjust the up and down angle of the camera when the camera is in Smooth POV mode. The default is 5.00 .
Float | Adjust the rotation of the camera when the camera is in Smooth POV mode. The default is 0.00 .
Float | Adjust the forward offset of the camera when the camera is in Smooth POV mode. The default is 0.02 .
Float2 | How to shift the camera framing like an offset. |
Bool | Mirrors the camera view. |
Float | This is the range to include users into a group photo and to have the camera focus all of them as the subject. |
Float | This is the far range to exclude other users from the group range. |
Float | How fast or slow the camera position movement should be smoothed. |
Float | The smoothness of how fast this camera turns and rotates to adjust for movement, to focus towards the subject. |
Float | This is how fast the camera will move in frame towards the subject. |
Bool | This allows the camera to smoothly go between anchor positions and rotations. If this is off, the camera will instantly go to the anchor instead of being smooth. |
Float | How fast to move between anchors. |
Bool | Whether the camera should move between anchors in a linear speed fashion. |
CameraPositioningMode | How the camera should position itself. |
String | Frame only the user with this username. |
direct SyncFieldList`1<String> | A list of people who can interact with the camera. |
direct SyncFieldList`1<String> | A list of users to force include into the target group. |
direct SyncFieldList`1<String> | A list of users to force exclude from the target group. |
Bool | This shows the preview to any user that is looking at the preview window on the camera. |
Bool | This allows any user to interact with the your camera. |
Bool | This shows the Camera Controls Panel to be shown in the preview and pictures. |
Bool | This enables the camera to have motion blue as it moves. |
Bool | This shows screen space reflection through the preview and pictures. |
Bool | This will spawn the photo in to the world after a picture is taken. If this is off, it will only be saved on your device. |
Bool | This flips the preview window, but not for the photo being taken. This also reverses the direction for the preview window when clicking on it as well. |
RenderTextureProxyProvider | The texture to render to. |
RectTransform | The rectangle to frame with. |
RectTransform | The text for the label for the mirroring button. |
Button | Enable/disable button for smooth first person. |
Button | Enable/disable button for |
Button | Enable/disable button for |
Button | Enable/disable button for |
Button | Enable/disable button for |
Button | Enable/disable button for |
Button | Enable/disable button for |
Button | adjust button for |
Button | adjust button for |
Button | adjust button for |
Button | adjust button for |
Button | adjust button for |
Button | adjust button for |
Button | resets the selected options to the default value. |
Slider`1<Float> | Slider for the Field of view amount. |
Checkbox | When the camera is behind a wall or anything that is collidable, it will zoom the view in front of it to focus on the subject. This will not work in manual mode. |
Checkbox | This keeps the camera in world space. |
Checkbox | This makes the camera have gradual movement in different positions around the subject. This only works with Third Person or Group modes. |
Checkbox | This aims the camera view more towards the user's head, specifically a few inches/centimeters in front of the head proxy's forward direction. This only works for the Third Person, Group, and World modes. |
Checkbox | This makes the user's avatar's eyes lock on to the camera position. |
Checkbox | This hides the camera visual, but will still track the subject or stay in place as before with manual mode or with camera anchors. |
Checkbox | This hides the user's badges (including the nameplate) from the camera preview and any pictures taken. |
Checkbox | This hides the user's lasers from the camera preview and any pictures taken. |
Checkbox | This shows where the camera is aimed and focused at in 3D space. |
Checkbox | Sets up the camera to have a timer when the photo button is pressed. The timer can be set to have a preset amount of time or a custom time, found on the back of the camera itself. |
Checkbox | Shows the live badge to let other user's know that you are live and streaming to somewhere external from Resonite. |
Checkbox | This moves your audio listeners (your audio output or ears) to where the camera is, overriding thier position to take in audio from. This can be checked for using the local output category in ProtoFlux. |
InteractiveCameraUserControl | see Interactive Camera User Control. |
InteractiveCameraControlSettings | see Interactive Camera Control Settings. |
InteractiveCameraControlPositioning | see Interactive Camera Control Positioning. |
InteractiveCameraControlAnchors | see Interactive Camera Control Anchors. |
InteractiveCameraOBS | see Interactive Camera OBS. |
TwitchChatDialog | see Twitch Chat Dialog. |
Button | opens the settings for the camera. |
Button | Allows for changing the positioning |
Button | Allows for changing the anchor points. |
Button | Allows for showing and changing the OBS settings. |
Button | Allows for showing and changing the Twitch settings. |
UI_UnlitMaterial | Shows the camera preview. |
Sync Delegates
See Camera.
See Camera.