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Tags are Strings that Resonite uses to label slots, Dynamic Variables (Triggers & Receivers), and other objects that require a tag.

How To Use

Tags can be used as a simple label, or it can be part of a complex system. Tags can also be swapped for other tags through ProtoFlux, especially when driving a receiver. Here are the following things that require tags:


There are a few ProtoFlux nodes that can access & modify the tag field. Here is a list of those nodes:

World MetaData Tags

Worlds can have tags that help with searching and organizing worlds in the World Browser in the Dash. MMC uses this feature to help with the world submissions and categories during the competition.

Rich Text Formatting

Rich Text Formatting (also known as RTF) tags are used to change how the text renders.


There are tags for the Haptics system which allow for more control when using these devices. Here is a list relating to tags:

Tagging For Slots

Sometimes you need to mark a slot to have a certain effect to it, there are components that do that found in Transform -> Tagging within the component browser. Here is a list of them:

Similarly, there is the Assets -> Tagging category that contains the following components:

Why Use Tags


Unknown Tags

Currently the Delegate Tag Component will crash users in the world when there is an invalid input! DelegateTag With Invalid Type Makes World Unjoinable - Issue 919

Default Tags

Some items and slots have default tags for your convenience (or sometimes left there by the Dev Team). Here are some notable items that contain default tags:


  • The Full Body Calibrator slot Ground Control has the default tag of To Major Tom, an easter egg to the song "David Bowie – Space Oddity".