The create new is a menu available through the context menu of the developer tool named "Create New".
The "Create" window allows you to create multiple objects within different categories.
3D Model
- Box - Spawns a box using a BoxMesh
- Capsule - Spawns a capsule using a CapsuleMesh
- Cone - Spawns a cone using a ConeMesh
- Cylinder - Spawns a cylinder using a CylinderMesh
- Grid - Spawns a grid using a GridMesh
- Quad - Spawns a quad using a QuadMesh
- Sphere - Spawns a sphere using a SphereMesh
- Torus - Spawns a torus using a TorusMesh
- Triangle - Spawns a triangle using a TriangleMesh
- Box - Spawns a BoxCollider
- Capsule - Spawns a CapsuleCollider
- Cone - Spawns a ConeCollider
- Cylinder - Spawns a CylinderCollider
- Mesh - Spawns a MeshCollider
- Sphere - Spawns a SphereCollider
The "Create new" menu also allows you to spawn the following editors: