I need help!
This is a page that enlists the help of other users on info for pages that I don't understand the underlying info, or I'm marking later for deep inspection either in game or with DNSpy/ILSpy If a developer or Resonian helps with these pages, then that will be amazing, and bless anyone who helps regardless of who you are!
You are welcome to remove a component from this page, if it's reason for being here is been fulfilled by you or someone else.
Component Stubs
I need DN/IL Spy or in game inspection!
These pages don't have descriptions and I don't understand them even with decomp!
Component:ArmHapticPointMapper Component:LegHapticPointMapper Component:QuantityTextFormatDriver`1 Component:TransformStreamDriver Component:StaticCameraDevice Component:CloudServerStatus Component:DebugSettingSwitchSource Component:DebugQuadMeshRenderer Component:PointCloudParticleRenderer Component:ParticleRibbonsModule Component:OverlayLayer
These are not done due to either being too complicated for me to explain, confused, or I am just dumb.
These are likely easy to fill with either in game testing or decomp.
Component:ColorDepthGrid Component:ColorDepthPointCloud Component:ConfirmationHandler Component:DroneCamera Component:PointClusterMesh Component:ScaleObject Component:ScaleObjectManager Component:ScaleObjectCreator
Needs decomp due to not having the required DLLs or added in new versions Component:SphereEmitter Component:LineEmitter Component:MeshEmitter Component:ParticleStyle Component:PointEmitter Component:BoxEmitter Component:ConeEmitter