Create New Wizard

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Revision as of 00:28, 21 July 2024 by AmasterAmaster (talk | contribs) (Added a missing section (object).)
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Small window with the title "New" displaying a list of 3D models and other objects the user can create.
The wizard window itself.

The create new is a menu available through the context menu of the developer tool named "Create New".

Resonite context menu with the option "Create new" highlighted
How to open the window.


The "Create" window allows you to create multiple objects within different categories.

3D Model



The "Create new" menu also allows you to spawn the following editors:


You can create three types of light, just like with the light tool.

  • Directional: Acts as a sun
  • Point: Point light mode will let you create point light orbs by clicking primary.
  • Spot: Spot will allow you to create spot light cones by clicking primary.


This category allows you to create any of the materials available in Resonite.


  • Fog Volume: Give a choice to make an Additive, Alpha, Gradient, and Multiplicative volume.
  • Legacy UI: Shows options for the old platform's UI, such as buttons, check boxes, panels, radios, sliders, text fields, and much more.
  • Avatar Creator: Creates an avatar creator from this menu.
  • Camera: Creates a camera object (A Slot with a Camera component) from this menu.
  • Facet: Creates a sample Facet (A Slot with a Facet component) from this menu.
  • Mirror: Creates a mirror from this menu.
  • Portal: Creates a portal from this menu.
  • Reflection Probe: Creates a reflection probe from this menu.
  • Spawn Area: Creates a spawn area from this menu.
  • Spawn Point: Creates a spawn point from this menu.
  • UIXCanvasBlank: Creates a blank UIX starting point from this menu.
  • UIXCanvasSample: Creates a UIX sample canvas from this menu.


  • Basic: regular text
  • Outline: text with an outline
