The IComponentGizmo type is used to represent any gizmo in the game that is used to control some game element. They are usually interacted with using a dev tip.
- Component:RotationGizmo
- Component:DynamicBoneSphereColliderGizmo
- Component:SphereMeshGizmo
- Component:MeshRendererGizmo
- Component:SphereColliderGizmo
- Component:TranslationGizmo
- Component:IcoSphereMeshGizmo
- Component:MeshGizmo
- Component:EyeRotationDriverGizmo
- Component:SphereGizmo
- Component:TextGizmo
- Component:ScaleGizmo
- Component:MaterialGizmo
- Component:BoxColliderGizmo
- Component:BoxMeshGizmo
- Component:LightGizmo
- Component:VolumeTranslationGizmo
- Component:SlotGizmo
- Component:VectorGizmo
- Component:AxisRotationGizmo
- Component:PlaneTranslationGizmo
- Component:BoxGizmo
- Component:AxisTranslationGizmo
- Component:ConeGizmo