This is a page that enlists the help of other users on info for pages that I don't understand the underlying info, or I'm marking later for deep inspection either in game or with DNSpy/ILSpy
I need help!
This is a page that enlists the help of other users on info for pages that I don't understand the underlying info, or I'm marking later for deep inspection either in game or with DNSpy/ILSpy If a developer or Resonian helps with these pages, then that will be amazing, and bless anyone who helps regardless of who you are!
You are welcome to remove a component from this page, if it's reason for being here is been fulfilled by you or someone else.
Component Stubs
I need DN/IL Spy or in game inspection!
- Component:AudioReverbZone
- Component:AvatarDebugHand <-- check if my info is correct!
- Component:CommonAvatarBuilder <-- DN/ILSpy needed!
- Component:UVW_ProceduralTexture3D <-- what do I look like?
- Category:Components:Radiant_UI:Data_Feeds:Feeds <-- DN/ILSpy needed!
Needs a person to give insight if they know the topic for it even a little (What am i?)
- Component:AdjustHDRInverseGamma22
- Component:AudioInputFilteringSettings <-- I need someone to give an explaination on what the fields actually mean, not a bad guess on what they mean like I would give ATM.
Someone who knows something about haptics or owns a haptic device to test with please!
- Component:GeneralHapticsSettings
- Component:HapticVolume
- Component:ValueNoiseHapticFilter
- Component:ControllerHapticPointMapper
- Component:HapticPointData
- Component:VelocityHapticFilter
- Component:HapticPointSampler <-- Am I the real equivalent of Component:VirtualHapticPointSampler? Someone who has a haptic device or can look at this good via DN/IL spy please confirm me!
- Component:SimplexNoiseHapticFilter
- Component:DirectTagHapticSource
- Component:HeadHapticPointMapper
- Component:ImpactTimeHapticFilter
- Component:RadialDistanceHapticFilter
- Component:AxisDistanceHapticFilter
- Component:CylindricalDistanceHapticFilter
- Component:TorsoHapticPointMapper
- Component:TagHapticPointMapper
- Component:ArmHapticPointMapper
- Component:AvatarHapticSourceManager
- Component:LegHapticPointMapper
- Component:SineHapticFilter